Page 68 of Kings of Seduction

Except I didn’t like seafood… It wasn’t like I got to eat it every day to be used to it.

The seafood had become a scarce supply because of overfishing and pollution, so it was too expensive for anyone in the Pit.

The first time I had a seafood dish was with Ferris. I couldn’t say I liked the taste. Therefore, I was incapable of understanding how it was that someone could pay an Annelid month’s pay for a plate of food.

As usual, Brax’s sense of observation kicked in, noticing my hesitation. ‘You don’t like it?’ he asked with a disappointment that was so uncharacteristic of him.

‘It’s not that I don’t like it. It’s just that I don’t think I ever ate something like this before.’ I did even know why I was so reticent about it. I mean, I did put worse things in my mouth than that.

‘You haven’t even tried it. Seafood cocktail, herbs, and wine sauce. I guarantee it’s delicious.’ He was looking straight my way, waiting for me to take even a bite and see my reaction.

But I had a feeling that it wasn’t just that. ‘Did you cook it?’ I asked, as the revelation just ran through my mind.

And he confirmed my suspicion. ‘Would it be that impossible?’

‘No,’ I babbled.

Well, yes... As improbable as me winning the lotto or the sky opening and angels singing.

Brax cooking— the thought made me chuckle as I imagined him with an apron and a frying pan... wearing a pair of jeans and a casual shirt. Or why not shirtless?

Fuck, the thought was making me sweat, not laugh.

‘It helps me relax.’ His voice shattered the image building in my mind. And it was for the best. I was just about to melt under the table.

‘So, are yourelaxednow?’ I murmured with every sinful bone in my body coming alive.

But it was Brax I was talking to. Always expect the unpredictable. This time, he didn’t play along. ‘Not really. I’m never relaxed. Just not as tense as usual.’

I shared the guilt for a part of that tension. The pressure I’ve put on his shoulders was weighing even stronger on him than his own businesses and was leaving him always on guard.

I better start eating, I thought to myself, knowing that I wasn’t in the position where it could seem I would make fun of the efforts he put into this night.

‘Just don’t think about businesses tonight.’ I was arranging the food on my plate to prepare a perfect bite.

‘Believe me, I won’t.’ A smile that hid a thousand different meanings was shining on his lips again while he was paying attention to see if I was enjoying my dish or not.

I just needed to not throw up, and I was putting all my efforts into it.

I finally took the first bite. A mental cheering was playing in my head, hoping that it could help me eat it with more ease, but it turned out I didn’t need it to start with. The dish was amazing. The flavor was arousing my senses, awakening an insatiable appetite. Just like the man that cooked it.

The dinner conversation was dripping with sexual tension, testing our patience and spreading the heated waves of yearning flowing through our bodies.

The food was delicious, indeed, but I couldn’t remember much of its flavor as his gaze seemed to burn through me, devouring me instead of the seafood.

A strange silence set upon the room the instant our forks were set on the plates.

A silence that was screaming with the vibration of our bodies.

‘We also have desert.’ He suddenly stood up to walk to what I assumed to be the kitchen.

‘I’ll help you.’ I followed to help him carry the desert.

Like that could ever be a plausible excuse...

We did end up in the kitchen. The room was so large that it could cater for an entire restaurant. Though I didn’t have much time to look around as I followed Brax’s steps to a side-by-side refrigerator.

‘Frozen creamy mocha.’ He pulled two frosted ice cream cups out of the freezer. ‘And no, I didn’t make these.’