Page 6 of Kings of Seduction

‘I came to see you,’ he said, trying to seem relaxed, but I could clearly notice that my tone was bothering him.

‘Well, I can’t function right now. So you can leave.’ I had nothing that I could have given him that day.

‘You think that’s what I came for?’

‘Iknowthat’s what you came for,’ I snapped back as a new idea formed in the corner of my mind.’Or perhaps you would enjoy having me like this. Maybe my suffering turns you on.’

Pulling on the strap that was keeping my nightgown together, I let the material fall to the ground.

I was completely naked in front of him. I was certain it was far from being a pretty sight, and his eyes confirmed it, forcing his head to bow to the ground. At least my bruises got a king to bow in front of me.

‘Put that back on,’ he groaned, picking my hospital nightgown from the floor.

‘Why, Brax? Do you want to fuck me with my clothes on this time?’

‘You’re lucky I know this is the trauma speaking and not you.’ He made an angry move with his hand, menacingly bringing his index finger right in front of me.

Strangely, his hand looked as bad as my body, purplish in color, his knuckles all swollen and cracked. But I didn’t have time for getting the story behind that, especially since my blood was beginning to boil in his presence.

‘Let me help you back on the bed.’ He was playing Mr. Nice Guy this time around. Too nice, if you ask me.

‘Listen. Nursing me isn’t a part of the deal. So, either you get me to spread my legs, or you leave. There isn’t anyin-betweenwhen it comes to us.’

I guess my words were clear enough because the next moment, he stormed out of the room. I was getting good at chasing my kings away, even if the knives I was sending their way were, like boomerangs, returning to me, no matter how hard I was trying to stop them.

My gaze stumbled upon the mirror, reflecting back to me my naked body as every inch of me seemed to carry the bruises and marks of myplan. I was shattered to pieces, but the truth was, I was broken long before I ended up in that house. My kings made sure of that.

I was weak, and I paid the price; all the events conjoined saw to that. But everything had a limit, and once the line is crossed, you could never return to what it was. My last drop of innocence was lost, and there was a dangerous plan forming in my mind.

A new road was set ahead. I didn’t want revenge for what my kings did. It was just a part of a deal that I agreed to, no matter how fucked up that was. I wanted something that would change the course we had initially set.

I wanted them to seekredemption!

Chapter 2

‘Mouse..... Mouse!’ Cole’s voice managed to break through to me just in time to notice him pulling a sheet from over the bed and wrapping it around my body. ‘Mouse, are you okay?’ he asked with genuine concern as he lifted me in his arms and placed me back between the pillows.

‘Y... Yes. I can get back into bed myself, thank you,’ I grumbled in an ironic tone. My kings may not have realized it, but I was much stronger than they believed.

‘You were standing completely naked in the middle of the room. I called you about five times, and you didn’t even move a muscle. I think it’s safe to say you couldn’t get into bed yourself,’ Cole snarled back at me while his gestures didn’t match his tone. His hands kept arranging the bedsheet over me, making sure I was comfortable the way he laid me.


‘What?’ He sounded more concerned than angry.

‘I want to know what happened... and what’s happening right now.’

‘Right now, I’m trying to keep your stubborn ass in bed.’

He was trying to avoid the subject, though, in the past, he never let me avoidany kind of subject. I wasn’t going to cut him any slack just because he decided to play the good guy for twenty minutes.

‘You know what I mean. What’s happening outside. In the city.’

‘We’ll all meet in a few days, and we’ll talk about it then.’

‘Don’t you understand? I can’t wait a couple of days. You’ll have me committed for a breakdown by then. I need to know now.’

‘As I said,nowisn’t the right time.’ He kept rearranging the sheets to cover me while I had no intention to remain in bed.