Page 51 of Kings of Seduction

The question was swirling in my mind while my body was swirling to escape Cole’s touch.

I could hear Ferris banging on the door so loudly that it was moments away from falling apart though Cole couldn’t leave my side. That was until Ferris’s nerves were approaching their limit, and the door would soon be thrown in the middle of the room.

And that gave me enough time to jerk the sheets off the bed and turn into a ball in the darkest corner I could find.

‘Not going to let you go there.’ Ferris appeared in front of me, trying to get me back on my feet. ‘Get up.’

I just couldn’t follow his command. The images in my mind began dissipating, but my body was far from being under my control.

Ferris probably noticed I was much more similar to a vegetable than to a human being.

Without wasting a second more, he drove his arm beneath my knees and carried me back to bed.

Both he and Cole sat themselves next to me, trying to decipher the mysteries that cast a shadow on my mind.

‘What happened?’ Ferris broke the silence only after he observed my heart had come to a more normal pace.

‘I have no idea. We were playing around, and she suddenly began trembling.’ Cole was equally as confused as Ferris about my behavior.

I could remember exactly what set off this period of madness.

My eyes were pointed straight to the phone that was lying right next to Cole, hiding between some messy sheets.

He didn’t even realize it at first, and I was in no position to speak yet. But as he tried to rearrange my feet to a more comfortable position, he ran across the lit screen.

‘Fuck!’ he snarled, clutching his hand on the phone so hard that the display was almost about to break.

The cobalt blue in his eyes was gone, being replaced by a much darker shade. The color of anger and hate. His beautiful jawline sharpened with the sound of his grinding teeth, as his reaction was extremely similar to one that Brax may have had. ‘Who sent this?’ He spoke with a hitched breath, barely controlling himself to keep some kind of composure so I wouldn’t be totally freaked out.

‘I don’t know,’ I mumbled, seeing Ferris snatching the phone from Cole’s hands to see what this was all about.

‘Bea, it’s going to be okay.’ Ferris kept a much calmer tone, locking his gaze with my own, assuring me that no matter what, they would be there to protect me.

But who was to protect me from my nightmares?

‘Double the guards.’ A press of a button from Ferris made the place Alcatraz-secured. Though it couldn’t disperse the fear that had infiltrated into my system, and neither did the concern shadowing their eyes.

‘I’m going to get you something to calm down.’ Ferris left to return with a pill and a glass of water.

Like my anxiety level wasn’t high enough...

‘It’s okay. It will help you sleep, nothing more.’ He rolled his eyes, noticing the insistent stare coming from both me and Cole.

Things didn’t turn out that great last time I had a combination of Ferris and pills.

It was a matter of trust, and for us to have any kind of future, I owed him the benefit of the doubt. I just prayed he wouldn’t fail me. Failure at a time like this would completely break me.

I took the pill and cuddled back on the pillow to try and sleep my anxieties away.

If things could only be that easy...

And if it wasn’t complicated enough, Cole’s body sneaked behind me while Ferris was finding a place beneath the sheets to soothe me with the safety of his embrace.

Sure, I felt protected. Nothing could get to me in those moments.

