Page 3 of Kings of Seduction

... and it was dark again.

Like a loop repeating itself, I was waking up once more in the same room, with Cole still here with me, only this time, uncomfortably dozing off in an armchair.

‘Don’t you ever go home?’ It was probably the stupidest thing I could say, but I didn’t exactly know how to react to him watching over me. It was something so far out of his normal selfish behavior that it was raising more than a few questions to circle my mind.

‘I have a new fetish for sleeping on a chair,’ he mumbled as his cobalt blue eyes were opening.

‘Could have offered you a spot on my king-size bed, but now that I know why you sit over there, I couldn’t interfere with your fantasies.’ At least I kept my sense of humor. For some reason, I didn’t feel I should bash out at him— not this time.

‘Is this an invitation to get in bed with you? Because you do know that most of my fantasies do includeyou.’

‘I thought you didn’t need an invitation. It’s your prerogative.’

‘A prerogative that I gave up...’ He seemed serious about that.

Then what was he doing in the same room with me if he didn’t want me to keep my end of the deal anymore?

‘Still, this doesn’t explain why you chose the chair,’ I observed since the bed I lay on was king-size, and Cole was never the shy type.

‘I didn’t want to hurt you in my sleep or something like that. Though now that you’re awake, I can change that.’ He leaned over me just to find a spot to rest his head somewhere above my shoulder and next to my neckline. ‘You fucking scared me there for a second.’ His words were warm, filled with real concern, while his arm snuck over to bring the side of my body closer to him.

His gesture physically hurt me, but I didn’t say a word since his closeness was doing me much more good than the anguish was causing me. He was honest this time. It wasn’t a trick to sneak a hand down my panties or who knows what thorough check on my other curves. It wasn’t a game. I guess he stopped playing games the instant we left Emerald City.

I have no logical explanation why after all he had done, my arm wrapped around his neck, keeping him in that position. I just needed to feel him close.

Still, the moment couldn’t last long since there was another thought that didn’t let me be at peace. ‘Cole, can you take me to my apartment to see my family?’ I definitely needed his help since the last time I was on my own feet things didn’t end up too well.

‘They’re not there anymore. It was easier moving them here so we could keep an eye on Sebastian and Natalie. Don’t even know which one of them needed more supervision.’ He laughed as I recognized my sister in his words. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree in her case. ‘They don’t know what happened to you. We weren’t sure what to tell them, so we just said you had to go on some study trip with the Academy. Your sister didn’t really believe us, but Ferris kept her busy with his black card.’

‘Little gold digger.’ I laughed, although laughing wasn’t such a great idea since everything seemed to be still hurting as I moved. Still, I did need to know something else. ‘What happened to me?’ I could only remember bits and flashes of what had happened that day. My memories seemed to be stuck on the part where I was going into the governor’s house.

‘The governor caught onto our plan. He... fuck...’ He paused as I could see it was becoming difficult for him to speak. ‘He beat you before we could intervene.’

Suddenly, the governor’s palm coming straight to my face was the shocking image my mind reproduced while my eyes instantly closed, trying to block out the rest. ‘What... what do you mean intervene?’

The plan!

What happened to our plan?

Cole raised his head a little, breaking the embrace, but he remained leaning over me. ‘Brax freaked out and went all Rambo on the governor’s ass.’

‘Nooo. Everything we tried to do is lost.’ A state of desperation engulfed me, suspecting that everything I’d fought for was in vain.

‘Not exactly... But I want to have this conversation with both Ferris and Brax present. They’ll explain exactly what happened. Besides, I was with Seb at that time, so you’re better off with them telling you.’

‘Thank you for that… you know... for keeping an eye on my brother.’ I never imagined Cole doing something without personal gain involved, so the whole situation was still a little shocking to me.

‘I had a lot of free time on my hands.’ He rolled his eyes all away to the back of his head like not even himself was buying into that bullshit.

My hand went over the sheets to reach his. ‘Cole... I...’ I was making a mistake that needed immediate fixing. ‘…I need some make-up so I can go and see Seb and Nat.’

‘They don’t produce enough makeup in the entire world to fix your face. What you need is a fucking miracle.’ He seemed amused to his max, but his smile suddenly disappeared as Brax entered the room.

‘I see you’re feeling better,’ my mobster spoke, keeping a fair distance. His limp was almost gone, but his dark green eyes were as tired as Cole’s.

I wanted to hate Brax. I really did, but the malfunctioning part of my brain kept staring, completely mesmerized at the way his black jacket clung to him. He looked exactly as deadly beautiful as he truly was— a perfectly chiseled demon with the sole goal of enslaving my body and soul.

I hope he wasn’t expecting an answer because he should’ve known better than that; I wasn’t going to give him one. At the same time, I knew he wasn’t one to give up that easily. ‘Did the nurse give you something for the pain?’ He took a step closer to me, trying to get a better look.