Page 41 of Shy Santa

The tightness at his silence eased, and I relaxed back into him. Relief washed through me, and I continued to trace my fingers across his skin.

“Keep that up and we might not get to sleep. And the adrenaline rush is wearing off.” He grabbed my hand and brought it up and rested it on his chest. “It might only be ten thirty, but I’d rather get a little rest before we go again.”

“Like I said earlier, you’re not a superhero with unlimited stamina.” I giggled as he swatted my butt. My pussy was a little sore but clenched at the smack.

“I’ll show you stamina.” He growled and rolled me onto my back and kissed me long and hard.

I didn’t think we’d be getting much sleep tonight.



Sunlight blinded me when I cracked my eyes open. The house was still. The wind blew outside and rattled the window. I glanced at my clock to see it was after eight in the morning.

A groan rumbled in my chest as my head hit the pillow again.

Addy and I stayed up way too late making love. I’d never admit it, but I think I fucked my cock sore.

My usual morning wood stood at half mast, barely tenting the sheet that covered me. Addy’s black hair spread across my chest, and her leg laid on my thigh just below my dick. The fucker gave a magnificent effort to pulse when Addy snuggled closer and moaned softly.

“Shhh. Go back to sleep. It’s not morning yet. Just the moon being obnoxiously bright.” She muttered her breath puffed and tickled the hairs on my chest.

“Sorry. I’m gonna get up. Need to piss.” I patted her ass.

“Noo…” she whined before rolling to her back and throwing her arm over her eyes.

“Go back to sleep. I’ll check on Ace and make some coffee.” I slipped from the bed and tucked the comforter around her shoulders. It wasn’t too cold in here, but it also wasn’t super warm.

I snagged a clean pair of boxers and dark gray sweatpants and put them on.

One last glance at my bed and I’m greeted with the sight of Addy wrapped up so only her nose poked out of the blankets. I could barely hear the soft snore floating through the air. Chuckling, I headed down to the kitchen. I noticed Ace’s door was open and figured she got up and made herself breakfast.

At the bottom of the stairs, I heard the TV playing one of her favorite cartoons. When I poke my head into the TV room, I didn’t see her.

“Shoot.” Her little voice came from the kitchen.

When I push open the door, Ace held the coffee pot full of water and the coffee can on the counter. Grounds spilled all over the floor and down her front as she stood there glaring at the mess.

“Need a hand?” I asked, startling her.

Ace spun, knocking the can to the floor, and more coffee grounds spilled across the floor.

“Noo…” she said, a tear spilling down her cheek.

Bending over, I pick up the mostly empty can and set it on the counter. “Hey, it’s okay. Its only liquid go juice. And for Addy, what powers her brain.” My joke fell flat when Ace burst into tears.

“She’ll be so mad.” she said, hands fisted at her side.

“Ace, look at me.” I lift her chin to look into her eyes. “It’s okay. I have more in the pantry. And even if I didn’t, it’s not a big deal. I could always run and get more coffee grounds or even just cups of coffee for us.” I paused to let the message sink in. “Now why don’t you grab the dustpan and hand broom.”

She nodded and wiped the tears away. “Okay Dad.”

I froze at those words. A huge smile crept across my face as she turned and jogged to the pantry to grab the items. That she’d call me Dad from now on hadn’t registered, but it hit me then. When she came back out, she frowned at me.

Un-sticking myself, I grabbed a washrag from the drawer, wet it and wiped up the spilled coffee grounds from the counter.

“Did Addy stay last night?” Ace asked, her focus on the task.