Page 28 of Shy Santa

Gently, I rapped on the door I’d pushed open. Her head shot up and found me.

“Hey, what ya doing in here?” I asked, trying to go for a casual, ‘hey I haven’t been worried sick trying to find where you ran off to and I needed to call the cops’ nonchalance.

“Nothing.” She sniffled, wiping her nose on the sleeve of her shirt.

“Can I come in?”

Ace shrugged her tiny shoulders. How did I handle this? What even was this? God, I wished kids came with an instruction book or even a cliff notes version of parenting for dummies would be perfect at the moment.

“Want to talk about it?” I sat on the other side of the window seat and leaned against the wall. A chill washed over me as the window rattled in its casement.

“Remember our talk when we got here?” I prompted, nudging her foot with my leg. “We can’t work as a team if we don’t communicate. So that means talking even when it’s hard or we don’t know what’s wrong.”

“I liked her being here.” Ace muttered, burying her face behind her legs. “She made it not hurt to miss Mommy.”

“Addy is good at making us feel less alone and lost, huh?” I needed to find a therapist for Ace to deal with her mother’s death, and adjusting to our new life.

“I like Mrs. Shirley, but you smile at Ms. Addy and I thought she would be here more if you liked her, too.” Ace looked up, her face red and blotchy from crying. “And when I saw you guys had special snuggles, I thought you wanted to keep her here.”

Shit, I should have made sure we were dressed after Addy, and I had sex last night. What to tell a kid. I didn’t plan on dating anyone, but I liked Addy. A lot. We couldn’t have a repeat of last night, as much as I wanted to, if she was helping with my daughter. That would end in an enormous mess when we inevitably didn’t work out.

“How about this? I’ve been needing to find a more solid solution for a sitter. I know Addy is looking for a job, but maybe we can ask her if she could help watch you when I have to work.”

Ace beamed at me. “Do you think she will?”

“Don’t know. I can’t pay much, but it’s worth asking.” I held my hand out as I stood up. “But maybe if you come down for breakfast, we can convince her to eat with us.”

She wiped her face on her arm once more before she stood and took my hand.

* * *

The TV blared some kids’movie in the TV room while Addy and I cleaned the kitchen. We worked in relative silence, occasionally brushing up against the other.

My cock was hard as a rock and weeping at the lack of attention. But if Addy worked for me, I couldn’t go there again. I needed to set up the guest room for nights she ended up staying. Maybe even suggest she kept some stuff here.

With that idea in mind, I finished loading the dishwasher and started it.

“Hey, do you have a moment?” I asked, turning to see her digging through her purse.

“Sure, what’s up?”

Now, to convince her this was a great idea. “So, Ace, she likes you and you being here.” I scratched the back of my neck. “I know you’re looking for a job still and I won’t ask you to stop, but would you consider watching her for me? Shirley is great, but with her running the diner, I feel horrible asking her to keep looking after Ace.”

Phone in hand, Addy stared at me funny. “Um…”

“This is just short term till you find a job. But I’d set up the guest room for you so the nights I’m super late you can stay, and we don’t have the awkwardness of this morning.” My eyes darted to the kitchen door; I made sure Ace hadn’t slipped down to spy on us. Lowering my voice, I added, “Which can’t happen ever again.” Sucking in a deep breath to steel my resolve, I turned back to her. “I think she enjoys having you because you kinda remind her of Dianna. Not in looks, but more in personality.”

This might have been laying it on thick, using Ace’s mom to get Addy to say yes, but I’d do anything to make life better for my girl.

“Uh… I guess. I can pick up shifts at the diner when she’s in school and stuff.” Addy sat down on the bar stool. “Would you care if I brought my laptop and worked? I’ll be present, but she’s old enough that I don’t think she needs to be entertained all the time.”

A breath whooshed out of me. “Yeah, whatever you want, bring one over when you’re here. I can’t pay much but I can offer food and stuff while you’re watching Ace.” Smirking, she eyed me as my words sink in. “Damn it, I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Okay, I guess I can start the next shift you have.” Addy picked up her phone and taped away on it. “Hey, quick question. Alice-Grace said you know computers. What do you know about them?”

I grabbed a couple bottles of water from the fridge and cracked one open, handing the other to Addy. “Got a degree in graphic arts and one in history. I’m decent with tech stuff, your computer giving you problems?”

“No, but Aunt Shirley is pushing me to pursue a writing career. I was looking into indie publishing, but it’s all so blasted expensive.” She rubbed her face, a look a dejection on it. “With your art degree, would you be able to help me design a cover? Or four?”