We stayed like that as my dick softened. If I didn’t pull out soon, we might have an accident. And while I wasn’t ready for another surprise kid, strangely, the thought didn’t scare me as it would have before Ace was thrust into my life.
I squeezed her ass and tapped it before I rolled, my hand grabbing the condom as I slipped out of her. With a sigh, she got out of bed, snagged the shirt, and followed me to the bathroom. I quickly took care of the condom, washed my hands, and kissed her before heading back to bed.
After a few minutes, Addy quietly closed the door, then climbed into bed and snuggled up against me. It was weird sharing a bed with a woman. I used to leave after sex. It saved the awkward morning after. Even with Ace’s mom, we never slept at the other’s place.
“I like the connection.” She breathed, her breath tickling across my chest hair. “I don’t feel so lonely when I’m connected like that.”
“Are you lonely?” I sifted my fingers through her dark hair. The softness as it caressed over my hand was relaxing as fuck.
She shook her head, then shrugged. “I don’t know what I am. Like with my job. I wasn’t happy there, but I wasn’t unhappy. Well, other than when I had to deal with Chad. Think I was more settling.”
“That’s understandable.” How this beautiful woman was lonely I didn’t get. The fact she was single boggled my mind. “Change can be scary, especially when weareon our own. I wasn’t ever truly alone, but still had no one I wanted to share anything or everything with.” The thought struck me hard. It was true, since Ace came into my life. I was less lonely and looked forward to seeing her after school. Even when I got home from work and she was asleep in bed, I knew there was someone here who cared for me. I hadn’t realized how much I missed that. Gran was the only one who ever cared about me.
Addy hugged me tight. “We weren’t alone, but still lonely.”
“Yeah.” I sighed, kissing the top of her head. “We best get to sleep. Morning comes too fast. Ace might sleep like the dead, but she’s an early riser.”
My mind whirled, listening to Addy’s breathing slow as she slipped into sleep, her body relaxing against mine. A heavy warm feeling of rightness settled in my chest while I laid there watching her sleep. My usually busy mind calmed as my eyes drooped and I fell asleep.
Hard footsteps woke me from the most wonderful dream. I was a little hotter than normal, but why were there footsteps in the hall?
My eyes snapped open, and I gazed around a sparsely furnished room. I rolled over into a body, realizing Bear was naked on his back behind me. The large bulge under the blanket had me salivating. The ache between my thighs brought back memories of having sex in the middle of the night.
The sound of someone walking downstairs jerked my mind from last night.
I shove Bear’s shoulder. “Hey, I think Alice-Grace is up.”
He grunted and rolled over. Damn it. The sheet slipped down, and his firm ass peeked out.
Looking over the side of the bed, I spoted my clothes on the floor. I slid out of bed and nabbed them. I poked my head out the door and listened. The last thing I needed was Alice-Grace asking questions about me sleeping in her dad’s bed. It was bad enough the last time I slept here. Thank God I didn’t have any more gummies in my purse.
Indistinct sounds of singing filtered up the stairs. I didn’t recognize the song, but she must’ve been watching cartoons.
Darting to the bathroom, I almost screamed when I caught my reflection in the mirror. “Fuck.” I mutter under my breath at the raccoon eyes and sex hair which stared back at me.
I open the small door behind me and found a stack of towels and washcloths. Not bothering to look, I use the bar of soap and wash my face. My skin already hated it and pulled tight. I snag a brush from the drawer Alice-Grace said was hers and a hair tie. Furiously, I brushed out the tangles and threw my hair into a ponytail. Not the best look for me, but it worked.
One last check in the mirror, I noticed a couple of small hickeys on my neck and chest that I couldn’t do anything about. Hopefully she won’t notice.
I closed the bathroom door and headed downstairs. If I’m lucky, I could sneak out the back door. This was the weirdest walk of shame I’ve ever done in my life. Including the time in college when Maya and I had a wild night at one of the frats.
My purse was on the hook by the back door, ready for me to grab, when a floorboard squeaked behind me.
“Ahhhkk,” a scream ripped from my chest as I spun around to see Alice-Grace standing in the kitchen doorway, her head tilted to the side, staring at me.
“Whatcha doing?” She asked. Mischief danced in her eyes.
“Heaven’s, you scared the crap out of me.” I clutched my chest, hoping to calm my racing heart.
A loud thump followed by stomping feet come down the stairs. “Ace?” Bear bellowed before he snatched her up in his arms and twirled her behind him.
“Oh, Addy. What’s the scream about?” Bear asked, glanced around confused; a gun held loosely in his hand.
A laugh burst out of me, and I doubled over, I laughed so hard. “Nothing at all.” The sight of Bear in black boxer briefs, holding a gun, while his daughter poked her head around his side had me in stitches. “Alice-Grace… just… startled me.”