I probably skeeved him out, watching him like a creeper. Which was a funny word because I’m not creeping around. Only watching him like a zoo exhibit.
A yummy sexy zoo exhibit I want to climb over the fence and play with.
Ikept my eyes on the chick Lexi tasked me with babysitting. She was funny, but she seemed off. Not that I knew her.
“Hey Lexi, there’s something wrong with the lady at the end of the bar. I cut her off an hour ago when the second half of the show started, but she seems more drunk now. Even after she downed a crap load of food.”
My boss glanced over her shoulder to see the chick giving me fuck-me eyes while trying to suck a straw into her mouth.
“She probably got wasted before coming in. She’s part of the big bachelorette party that’s gonna close us out upstairs.”
Huh, I hadn’t seen anyone approach her all night once the show started. “Are you sure?”
Lexi nodded, filling a couple of beers. “Yeah, the bride made a point to tell me the lady was part of the group and anything she wanted was on her.”
“Should I get the bride to take care of her friend?” Ireallydidn’t want to get into girl drama.
“No, just call a cab and pour her into it.” She loaded the beers on the tray and passed it to a waitress—I still needed to learn everyone’s name.
Shrugging, I made my way back down to the woman. She was hot. I don’t think someone had ever propositioned me as many times as she had, and in such funny ways. When she said she wanted to hop the bar, kiss me, then ride me like a pony, I had to fight getting hard. These damn black slacks wouldn’t hide anything. But I guess that was the point. I’m thankful Dillon was fucking with me over those red hot-pants he made me put on, and my actual uniform covered more skin.
“What did your friend and you talk about?” Addy asked, eyeing Lexi, looking like she sucked on a lemon.
A niggle wormed its way through my mind; something wasn’t right with the chick. “Just asked if I could cut out a bit early to take you home.” I smiled, hoping it appeared flirty. I‘d never been the smooth talker, or well, much of a talker, and being flirty, sexy and suave didn’t come naturally.
“OOOOh, that sounds like a wonderful idea.”
At first, I was all for it—let’s face it, having a kid in the house put more of a damper on my sex life than all my years in the military. But now, I was more worried about her than anything.
“Once the show’s over, I’ll clock out and get you home.” Please don’t let Dillon fire my ass for leaving before cleaning up the lower bar.
Addy pulled out her phone and started typing away on it.
When she looked back up, a huge smile spread over her face. Man, she had the most beautiful blue eyes I’d ever seen. As cliche as it sounded, there was something beyond the bright blue color in them. It was like I was surrounded by a crystal-clear day in the middle of nowhere. Not exactly lost, but where I needed to be. Why I felt that way, I had no clue. It’s the first time I ever felt this strange sense of connection to anyone.
Movement to the right caught my attention. A tall, slender woman walked toward us. Her eyes darting between me and Addy.
“What can I get you?” I asked when she sat on the stool next to Addy.
“Name, number, and a naked photo?” She smirked, her eyes traveling over my body.
I knew working here I’d be treated like meat. Fairs, fair I guess; if guys can ogle women with no shame, then they should be allowed to do the same.
“Maya!” the little spit fire slapped her friend’s arm.
Laughing, Maya leaned over to her friend and whispered loud enough so I could hear, “Think he would go for a three-some?”
Yep, not going there at all. I turned on my heel and beat a retreat to the other side of the bar near Lexi. I helped her fill a couple of orders while I watched Addy and her friend chat and laugh.
Fifteen minutes later, the final number’s last notes played through the air as the women near the stage clapped and yelled. I leaned against the back counter, not super close to Addy and her friend.
“Mountain man, you gonna be at the after party?” The friend leaned over her neon pink margarita slushy, dark red painted lips sucking on the straw.
“Not tonight.” I smirked.