“I’m sure Joselyn would like to be a mother one day.”And I want to give her everything she wants…

Ms. Nelly’s eyes soften, and she places a hand on my arm. “You certainly can afford it, and Joselyn is a loving, healthy woman. I’m sure she’d be a fine mother. So what’s the problem?”

A pit is in my stomach, and I lift my eyes to meet hers. “Me.”

I don’t open up to people as a general rule, but there’s something about this old woman in her cave of antiques with her warm eggnog on the stove and her gentle touch. She’s neither the cold dragon who raised me, nor the murderous sperm-donor Idon’tcall my father.

Her lips press together and she takes another sip of eggnog. I notice my tumbler is empty, and I wonder if the whiskey has lowered my inhibitions. “You don’t seem like such a problem to me.”

“You don’t know me very well. I haven’t had good role models.” It’s as much as I’ll allow.

“From what I’ve seen, you have enough kindness and generosity in you to make up for whatever scars you’re hiding.” She leans forward and gives my hand a squeeze. “And Joselyn has enough for the rest. Don’t postpone your happiness until it’s too late.”




“The virgin is wired.” Scout is excited as he loads up a plate with two scoops of Sly’s specialty mac and cheese and two of Mom’s pre-Christmas chicken salad sandwiches.

Mom playfully slaps his arm. “Don’t be rude.”

“He’s not kidding, Mom!” I jump to his defense. “We planted a nanny-cam in Mary’s head and we put out Baby Jesus. We figured he’s the grand prize they won’t be able to resist, and that’s how we’ll get them.”

“It all sounds veryMission Impossibleto me.” Ms. Alice scoots up beside me and grabs a sandwich.

She’s my mom’s best friend, Scout’s grandmother, the former librarian of Fireside, and a founding member of the Fireside Ladies Club.

Needless to say, she’s old as dirt.

I lean down to whisper in her ear, “I just hope it works. We’re going to be in big trouble if those bandits make off with the star of the Christmas show, and we don’t catch them.”

Ms. Alice nods. “Let me know if we need to haul out the big guns.”

Scout goes to where my very pregnant cousin sits in the den and shares his plate. The door opens, and my heart flutters when Spencer breezes into the room looking like he stepped out of the pages ofEsquire. He’s always impeccably dressed, with his dark hair flopping attractively over his brow. Only he looks like he’s returned from the scene of an accident.

“Phew, hold my arm, I might faint.” Ms. Alice catcalls under her breath. “That man could set the chicken on fire.”

“It’s cold.” I elbow her, fighting a grin.

“Spencer, Merry Christmas.” Mom goes over and gives my husband a brief hug. “Would you like me to fix you a plate? A glass of wine? I opened a few whites for the chicken salad, but I have a pinot or would you rather a whiskey—”

“Thank you, Regina, I’m sure what you have is fine.” He briefly returns her hug before leveling those stormy eyes on mine.

A flutter hits my core, and I can’t help thinking about all the delicious things that man can do to me, especially when he’s all riled up. He closes the space between us, and Ms. Alice gives me a wink and a nod.

“Who needs chicken salad when you’ve got hot sausage?”

A snort breaks through my attempts to be serious, and I put my plate on the bar to give him a hug. “You okay? You seem a little distracted. Ms. Nelly not like her vase?”

“She’s saving the gift for Christmas.” He looks in my eyes a moment longer than usual and slides a finger across my cheek. “The children always get all the gifts at her house.”

“Oh, sure. She’s a grandmother, I get it.” I nod, returning to the bar and my plate. “Want some of my special mac and cheese?”

“Sure,” his voice is quiet as he adds, “Whatever you want.”

I can’t imagine what’s on his mind, but my best friend Courtney bustles through the door at that moment with Ollie and Tom right behind her. As soon as Oliver sees my guy, he dashes across the room to grab Spencer’s hand.