Lifting his chin, our eyes meet again, and his are stormy. “Tell me, Sin.”

Hesitating, I pull my bottom lip between my teeth. I inhale a shaky breath and focus on what he said in church.

“I hadn’t been feeling well, and I wasn’t sure why.” My voice is small. “Then I found a pregnancy test in the bathroom at Mom’s, so I took it this morning before church, and well…”

Silence fills the room. My throat is dry as he blinks down to my torso again, where his hand rests against my body. Tension pulls at my shoulders as the seconds tick past, as I try to read his expression, as he doesn’t speak.

Heat rises in my eyes, and I fight it. I will not cry in front of him. I will not make him feel pressured, even if I don’t know what that means. We’re married. We’ve been having sex. It takes two to tango, and pregnancy could always happen...

Still, I know how he feels about having children with his past, and I’m ready to say it was an accident, I never missed a pill, I respect his feelings, I would never have tried to trap him.

My heart is aching he might think that, when his fingers curl against my skin, and he breaks.

“Joselyn.” It’s a husky whisper as strong arms surround me so fast.

He sweeps me up in a firm embrace, lowering his face into my hair and inhaling deeply. I can’t free my arms to return his hug, and I feel his body vibrating with tension. After a moment, he lifts his chin, and our eyes meet.

“Do you want this... with me?” He adds the last part in a hushed tone that twists my heart. “Knowing what you know?”

“Spencer!” I squirm in his arms, and his embrace relaxes so I can pull my arms free and wrap them around his broad shoulders. “You loon. I want all your babies. I love you. You’re going to be the most amazing father. Did you even see how you didn’t flinch at the hospital just now with baby Atticus? Have you seen how adorable you are with Oliver? Not to mention your extreme patience with Melody.”

The muscle in his jaw moves, and his dark brow lowers over his gorgeous eyes. He’s so damn hot when he wrestles with himself.

Finally, he blinks up at me again, and this time, the smallest flicker of light is in his eyes. “You’re going to have my baby?”

“I am!” I start to laugh. Gah, I love this man. “Would you just fuck me now before I throw you on the bed and ravage you myself?”

His expression relaxes, and my cocky beast is back. “Ravage me? Is that what you said?”

With a squeal, I’m off my feet in his arms, and he carries me to the king-sized bed. I’m sure he’s about to toss me onto it, but at the last minute he slows, gently placing me on the mattress and sliding in beside me.

“I suppose I need to be gentle while you’re gestating.”

“What!” I jump up, pushing him onto his back and ripping my gown over my head. “I swear, I don’t know how I fell so hard for a man who talks like a damned encyclopedia all the time. And you’d better not dare be gentle with me until I’m about to pop. And then maybe not even then. Maybe it’s time to experiment with anal.”

A loud laugh erupts from his chest, and he shits up, capturing my lips with his. His arms are tight around my waist, and I feel his rock-hard cock pressing against my thigh.

It’s all going to be amazing. My beast is going to be a daddy, and in nine months, we’ll have a little prince or princess. He’s made all my dreams come true, and all our troubles will continue to be the best kind, the only kind for me.

* * *

Thanks so much for reading!

I hope you fell even more in love with Spencer and Joselyn and the whole Oceanside-Fireside gang.

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