“You’re so sweet to him.” Daisy shoves her hand in the crook of my arm. “I can’t wait to see you with your own little girl or boy.”
My chest tightens, and I glance at my small friend. “I’m not sure that’s the best idea.”
“You as a dad? Are you kidding me? Between you and Sly, that child will be so spoiled.”
“I think you’re high on pregnancy hormones.”
She squeezes my arm. “Why would you say that? You’ll be such a good daddy.”
“How could you even know something like that?” My tone is cynical, but she’s undeterred.
“I have mountains of evidence, starting with how kind you were to me when we worked together. You gave Ms. Nelly that vase you’d been searching for for years—”
“Which you said I’d get back when she dies.” My eyes slide to the window, where it appears Courtney has agreed to Ollie’s demands. “That woman is going to outlive me.”
“Stop it.” Daisy touches my cheek, and I look down to meet her pixie eyes. “You’re a good man, Spencer. You will be a wonderful dad.”
Joselyn’sfiery hair spreads across my chest in the dim light, and I lift a wave, threading it through my fingers as she sleeps. I couldn’t shake my friend’s words, even as my gorgeous vixen rode my lap, even when I buried my face in her luscious tits… God, I love her tits, so full and round.
A soft little buzz of a snore slips from her nose, and I grin, tracing a finger along her cheek. She saved me from turning into the beast I was becoming. I would do anything to make her happy, but could I dothat?
It’s a long time before I finally drift to sleep, and the alarm sounds too early. We’re in a rush to shower, dress, and head out to the massive Christmas gathering at the church, where all of our friends and family are gathered.
As expected, Ms. Nelly is at the organ playing the traditional carols and hymns of the season. When we arrive, she’s on “Silent Night,” and as Ollie runs up to grab my hand, her eyes meet mine. Her lined face brightens with a huge smile, and she waves quickly, mouthingThank you.
Joselyn lets out a soft coo and rushes over to where Scout’s older brother J.R. stands holding his infant daughter.
I happen to know my wife spent her teenage years crushing on him, and my jaw clenches. He’s a broody dick Joselyn loves to say is “really a nice guy,” and it makes me want to punch him in the nuts. I happen to know she has a weakness for assholes. Why do you think she’s with me?
“Blackbeard!” Ollie yells, jerking my hand to draw my attention.
“What?” I look down at my little friend.
“We named him Blackbeard after the pirate! Because he’s like a pirate stealing everybody’s stuff, only he’s not a bad pirate. He’s more like a playful bandit. Mamma said he stole her slipper last night, but she wasn’t really mad, it made her laugh and Tom said it’s like a game...”
Ollie is talking so loud and fast and is so clearly happy it makes me forget wanting to assault Scout’s sibling for existing. “Hey, take a breath, bud.”
He throws his arms around my waist and hugs me. “I knew we could do it. We know how to take care of people the best because we’ve seen the worst.”
Something in my chest breaks, and I nod, patting his little back. “We’ve seen the worst.”
The pastor steps up to the podium, and we’re forced to part as he instructs everyone to take their seats.
My wife reappears at my side, beaming and squeezing my arm. “Sunny is the cutest little thing. I’d say she looks like her daddy, but she really looks like Hope. She saidSly! Or maybe it wasBye.It’s hard to tell at that age.”
“We’d better find a seat.” I try leading her away, but she veers us back in the direction of my nemesis.
“Let’s sit with them. Daisy’s not looking too good today, said she had a rough night.”
“And Merry Christmas to me!” Ms. Alice greets us loudly from where she stands beside her family’s pew. “What a great way to start the day. Joselyn, you’re a lucky woman, and that nativity scene is beautiful. It’s a true Rambert.”
My wife’s eyes squint. “Rambert...”
“The Christmas card. With the glowing baby?” The old lady starts to fuss, but it hits me.
“Rembrandt.” I pat Joselyn’s back. “It’s a Rembrandt.”
Alice shivers. “I love the way you say it.”