“Nope. I’m already impressive,” Ax said, setting down a bowl of salad then leaning close to my ear. “Told you—you’re my queen. Anything and everything you need, I’m right there.”
My eyes closed.
His lips brushed my ear, and then he went back into the kitchen.
“Yes. My boys know how to treat their women. They can do all that badass stuff everywhere else, but not with their women.”
“You did really good, Bella.”
Her smile widened. “You called me by name. I love that.”
Dinner was actually fun. After all the heart to hearts and my laughter, I felt the tension drain from my body. When Ax draped his arm on the back of my chair and pulled me close to him after we finished eating, I leaned into him, feeling his heat.
When it was time to clean up, we all pitched in, making the job fun and fast. I loved how Ax was with his family. Loved how he was with Raid and that bond no one could deny because it was so bold.
“Alright, Indie. It’s your pick. We have Pictionary.” Bella held up the board box. “Or Skip-bo. What’s your poison?”
“Ma, do we really need to play a game?” Raid groaned, putting his head back on the couch. “Your food was so good it needs time to digest.”
I leaned into Bella, whispering, “He’s good.”
She nodded. “Don’t let them get away with it.”
A laugh burst from my lips.
“Which one?” Bella dangled the two boxes like candy for me to pick from. My family was very close, but we’d never had a game night before. Truth be told, I’d never played either of them.
“I’ve never played either of them.” I told her, and it was Bella’s turn her mouth agape.
“What? You’ve never played board games?”
I shook my head. "It wasn’t something big in my family. More free love and special weed.”
Bella burst out laughing. “Gotta say that sounds pretty good to me. Let’s play Skip-bo. Boys!” she called, and all three of the men came back to the cleared off table.
Had to admit, I loved how they did exactly as they were told by Bella. But on the flip side, I knew bikers weren’t always so accommodating.
By the third round, I knew this game and was good at it.
“Whoohoo!” Bella yelled, banging on the table as I dropped my last card and won the game. Lifting my arms, I danced in my seat and let the happiness and excitement fill me, feeling so comfortable with these people.
“What? No invitation for me?” A voice came from the front door, snapping everyone to attention. The man had blond hair that was greasy and looked like it needed a wash. His clothes were a bit dirty and eyes were wild.
Suddenly three guns were out and pointed at the man standing in the doorway. I didn’t even know Ax had one on him. He took a step back, grabbed my arm, and pulled me behind him; once again shielding me.
What was going on? “Ax?” I whispered, grabbing onto his shirt as I tried to place this man.
“You’re fine, baby. Just breathe.” Hopefully he felt my nod because words escaped me.
Who on earth would just walk into someone’s house without knocking? I mean, a house with men with guns. Did he have a death wish?
The tension in the house went from having fun at zero to skyrocketing past ten to hostile and tense.
“What the fuck are you doing in my house?” Buzz clipped, moving to stand in front of all of us. Neither Raid nor Ax flinched. I tried to do what Ax said and breathe.
“Told ya. I need to talk to the club.” His voice sounded jittery but not in a mellow high way, but a stimulant way. Made me wonder what he had taken and why he would come here in that state.