Page 81 of Bound By Temptation

Ax stopped suddenly, and I jostled at the quick movement. Lifting my head and peering over Ax’s side, a short, older man stood there with a cane in his hand and had it pointed up at Ax as if it were a gun.

Well, he did, so I guess it worked.

“Miss, are you in trouble?”

Awe. It was nice to know that there were people out there who would actually take the time to make sure everything was okay. That I wasn’t being taken against my will.

“She’s fine,” Ax said and started to move, but the little guy was quick and moved his cane so it was right at Ax.

I figured this wasn’t going to end well. Ax didn’t take well to being told what to do or how to do it.

“Sir, I’m fine. He’s just being an overgrown caveman who thinks I don’t have legs and can’t walk.”

A hard slap came to my ass, and I returned the favor and surprised Ax as he hitched me just a bit. It made me smile knowing that I got him. It was the small things.

“You’re not just tryin’ to tell me what I want to hear, are ya?” the older man asked, and Ax chuckled.

“If anyone told Indie what to say, she’d claw their eyes out,” Ax replied, and I grinned wide at the older man.

“Right, and I know where his balls are located. So if I really wanted him to put me down, one kick to those and he’d drop me. Hard, but it’ll work.”

“Young love.” An older woman with styled grayish hair came up to the older man and put her hand on his cane, pushing it down. “Now, Harold. You know better than to involve yourself in love.”

“She was screamin’ for him to put her down. Just wanted to make sure that she was okay.”

The woman smiled at Harold, then leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. “You’re a good man. Let’s let these two go have their fun.”

These two were absolutely adorable, and part of me wanted to put them in my pocket and take them home.

“Thank you, Harold. I really appreciate you stopping to check on me. You never know, this big oof could’ve been kidnapping me, but alas, he is not.”

Both Harold and his woman grinned at the two of us.

“Can we go now?” Ax asked, and I smacked his ass.

“Be nice! I like them.”

“You just met them,” Ax said as the blood started rushing to my head.

“You need to put me down; I’m getting light headed.”

Without another second, he set me down and held me tight. “Are you okay? Your face is red.”

“You were holding me upside down; what did ya think would happen?”

“Not that we’d get stopped by this guy.” Ax nodded to the couple.

“Ignore him. He loses his manners when it comes to others around me. Or so I’m learning.”

“How long have you been together?” the woman asked.

“Milly. Didn’t you just say not to get involved in it?” Harold told his woman.

“Shut it.” Milly looked to me. “How long?”

I was curious, so I asked her. “How long do you think?”

“Years. Maybe sevenish,” Milly said, and my head tilted. That was about the time we would’ve been together had he not fucked it up.