“And you fuckin’ wont. That I can guarantee. That fuckin’ cunt thinks she can bring all that shit back up again; she’s sorely mistaken. Not only that, this entire town knows it wasn’t you. Made fuckin’ sure of it.”
Pain split through her gaze. “I have nieces now, Ax. They go to this school. They do not need to even think that I was part of an affair with a teacher.”
I pulled her close. “Hate to tell ya this, babe, but they probably already know. But they also know it’s not you; just some random bitch.”
A tear fell from her eye, and I wrapped her up tightly in my arms.
“Swear to you, Indie. I’ll take care of this shit. You have nothing to worry or even think about. It’ll be destroyed today.”
The thing was back in the day once everything came out, Dad and Raid went through everything they could to wipe that video from existence. Where this bitch supposedly got a copy, I didn’t fucking know, but I would find out.
My guess would be her fucking husband kept a copy of it for collateral, thinking it would be something he could hang over our heads. Or Lexi could be just a big enough bitch that she copied it without us knowing.
This time, it would be destroyed. Every megabyte of that shit would be erased. We had my father, Micah, Deke and Austyn who could do anything with technology. Those fuckers would find it if it were there.
“We just talked about all of this. Why now? Why…” She paused, pulled back, and looked into my eyes. “A few days ago she came into the bakery. I made her coffee and then she coughed under her breath, calling me a whore. I told her that the gas station had great coffee and she’d be better off going there. She was not happy.”
“That’d do it, but, Indie, I’ll handle it. Let me have it on my shoulders to deal with.”
“Like you did last time? We both know how well that went.” She huffed, and I felt the tightness in my chest.
“So fuckin’ sorry about that. I will not make the same mistake twice. Please try to trust me.”
She swiped under her eyes just as it fell from her lid. “This is big, Ax. Make it or break it. And if it breaks, there’s no goin’ back.”
Indie threw that down like the ultimate challenge.
And I would not fail her. Not a single bit.
Exiting the gym, Raid stood outside.
“How in the fuck did that tape get out?” Raid started just as I made it to my bike. “Indie just took off out of here like a bat out of hell. I’m guessin’ she’s pissed as fuck.”
“And you’d be right. Lexi Jones. That fuckin’ cunt. She always was one, so why I thought she would’ve grown up, I’ll never know. Need to take a ride.”
“Brother. I’ve got Micah, Deke, and Dad on that shit. We have to get to X. Princess called and said there are six bachelor parties and she only had two down. We need to cover.”
I grabbed my helmet from the handlebars. “Fine. But in the morning we’re payin’ Lexi and her husband a visit.”
“Sounds good to me. They’ll find the shit.”
That stupid littlecome-guzzling road-whore cunt-sucking twat-waffle uploaded that damn video. To threaten me with it? I’d never really envisioned killing anyone, well accept Ax back in the day, not that I’d carry it out, but with Lexi, I felt the red rage filling inside me.
If it came down to it, would I really be able to kill someone? I hoped like hell I’d never have to find out.
Trusting Ax … that was an interesting thought. As much as I thought there was nothing between us, there was. I just didn’t know how to get passed our past.
Gripping the steering wheel, I started my car up and waited my turn to pull out of the lot. I noticed Raid by his bike, but he wasn’t paying attention to me. His back was turned, and he was on his phone.
That strange unease hit me and prickled up my spine, making the hairs on the back of my neck rise.
The parking lot had so many cars moving in and out I couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Scanning, nothing looked amiss. Just parents, family, and kids getting into cars.