Page 70 of Bound By Temptation

Sumner was a small town which meant the teams were small, but the Raiders were really good, and Trinny, my niece, led the pack. Loved that for her. I was never good at sports, never really interested in them either. Sure, I went to the games, but being athletic, not so much.

“Go, Trinny!” I yelled, jumping up and clapping like a mad woman. Trinny looked up and rolled her eyes at me, but I saw that smirk. She loved her auntie Indie no matter how much I embarrassed her.

Once the game got underway, my head swiveled back and forth between the ends of the court, getting up and cheering each time our team, the Raiders, got a point. Which was good because the game kept my mind off of what GramO told me and everything else my heart was feeling.

Right before the end of the first match, with only two points to go to win, a quiet hush went over the court like some mystical power entered the space. The players’ focus went off the game and moved to the entrance of the gym, standing stock still with gaping mouths.

When I followed their gaze, my mouth followed the others and dropped open wide. “Oh my God,” I breathed as Ax Monroe dressed in jeans, black T-shirt, boots, backward black hat entered the gym.

It wasn’t just him though… No, Raid was at his side.

Hot. Smoking drop-dead hotness was entering a teenage hormonal zone. The women in this place were going to cream their panties.

Judging from the parents in the audience, they were in the same boat. One even fanned herself with the team roster like she was going to die of heat stroke.

Lord, save me from hot men.

The only thing that could be heard was heavy breathing and surprised gasps. Not even the roll or bounce of the ball.

Why on earth were they here? Didn’t they realize they were causing a complete scene just for showing up and being, well … them? Everyone knew the Ravage MC, but I knew for a fact that they’d never shown up to a volleyball game since Trinny played. That would not be something easily forgotten.

“Did you know they were coming?” Meadow leaned over and asked quietly because if she didn’t the entire place would hear her. It was that quiet.

“No.” I stood, and Ax’s gaze came directly to me. I started to make my way down the bleachers to him, thinking maybe he just wanted to tell me something he forgot and would leave quickly, but he shook his head and I stilled.

Please tell me they aren’t planning on staying here. There would be no way these girls could concentrate with all this testosterone oozing out of them. Hell, the parents were going to need to go bang in the bathroom at this rate. They oozed so much sex.

The entire gymnasium watched each step they made, their gazes swinging to me as they looked to see who Ax had his eyes on. The group took the steps of the bleachers two at a time, and I could hear the girls across the gym sigh heavily.

Yeah, some things never changed. It was that way in high school as well, and while they were hot then, now it wasn’t right to have that much sex appeal.

“What are you doing here?” I whispered to Ax, who grabbed me around the waist, pulled me to him, and kissed me hard. His lips were so perfect, and I got lost in them. All the emotions felt like they were being sucked out of me, and he was taking on that burden for me.

Then I could feel it. The eyes that were boring into us. We were not somewhere that this would be appropriate. Shit. I pulled away and gave my head a little shake. “Again. What are you doing here?”

“We came to watch the game,” Raid said, leaning over and kissing my cheek like he’d done in the clubhouse. I still wasn’t sure how I felt about him and the situation. He looked to the row behind my family, where other parents sat. “Would you mind movin’ down please.”

“Please?” I asked Raid with a quirk of a brow, being a smartass. Sometimes the sass just came out. Sue me.

“I do have manners. When I want to use them.” His smile widened, and I shook my head with one tipping my lips.

As Raid sat down, I introduced Raid to my family although they knew who he was. It felt like the right thing to do, in the middle of a gym with everyone not even pretending to not gawk.

I sat in the same spot as before, and Ax sat right behind me. He pulled me back to rest between his legs. When I made a move to stop him, his grip tightened in warning, and I cut my eyes up at him.

“What?” I asked him.

“Just relax, Indie.” His tone was so kind and gentle that the fire dissipated, and I relented.

Unfortunately, sitting like this was comfortable, so I ended up not arguing.

Even after their entrance and seating, the game was still stalled like the people were waiting for some cosmic sign to start again.

“You caused people to go stupid,” I chastised Ax.

He chuckled and then whistled so loud my ear rang. “Is there a game goin’ on or what?” he asked loudly, and I could see Trinny’s face was beat red. Yeah. The Ax effect was in high gear.

Soon after his words, people came out of their trances, and the game got underway. The Raiders missed the point, and mentally I blamed it on Ax.