“Know that.”
My head shook. “I feel like we’re having a warm and fuzzy moment, so can we cut the shit and deal with this mess?”
His hand came to my shoulder, giving me a squeeze.
There was clatter in the room as we entered. After saying my greetings, Cruz spoke. “Listen.”
We all shut up, giving him our attention.
“Old Red is on the way. We are getting ourselves out of the shit Nick put us under. Be vigilant. Nox, Deke, Ryker and Green outside, keepin’ an eye. Micah in the back room watchin’ monitors. Buzz, Breaker, Ax and Raid, you’re with the rest of us while we talk to Old Red.”
Having my uncle be the cause of this just pissed me off more. I fucking hated that man. He would be dead sooner rather than later.
“He’ll be covered. We’ll be covered. Don’t want a fuckin’ blowout, but who the fuck knows at this point. It’s why I didn’t do this at the clubhouse or X.” He looked at his phone. “Five minutes, and I doubt he’ll be a second late.”
We all broke off.
The Pick wasn’t anything special. Cruz bought it for this exact purpose. To have meetings away from our loved ones and away from our club. It was smart. After all the shit that had gone on over the years, it was an actual necessity.
The building was nothing special. The outside looked like a log cabin, and the inside was sheetrocked. Everything was painted gray, walls and floor. Two tables sat in the middle of the room, and Cruz sat in the middle, GT and Cooper on either side of him. My father and Uncle stood behind them, and Raid and I moved next to them while the other Ravage men took a seat in the open space.
“He’s here,” Micah called from the other room.
“This is gonna be fun,” I grumbled to my father who elbowed me in the side.
The door opened, and in walked one who could only be called Old Red. Shorter in stature with long red hair and red beard. He had a beanie on his head and wore jeans and a flannel shirt. Anyone who saw the man on the street wouldn’t know he was a billionaire who practically ran Las Vegas.
“Cruz,” Old Red said just as four more of his men followed him in.
Cruz stood as Old Red walked up to him. “Old Red.” Cruz held out his hand. Old Red looked at it and gave a smirk, taking it and shaking it.
“Glad to see ya have backup.” Old Red chuckled, sitting in the seat across from Cruz. “Go,” he said with a flick of his hand, and the men who came with him found spots in the building to either sit or stand.
“Let’s get down to it,” Cruz told him, not giving in to the small talk. It was what made him our President. He had a way of cutting the bullshit.
“Right. Which one of you is related to good ol’ Nick?” Old Red asked.
“He’s our brother,” my father said, pointing to him and his brother.
“Who else?” he asked.
“What do you mean?” Cruz asked him.
“Nicko had a lot to say. Guess his nephews are in here too.”
“That’s me,” I answered to Raid’s, “Me.”
“Two doubles or is my vision finally givin’ out on me?” He chuckled. What he found funny, I had no fucking clue.
“Let’s get on with it,” Cruz said, eyeing the man.
“Wait. Where’s the young one?”
Booker. Fuck.
Booker didn’t take but a second before he was standing, saying, “That’s me.”
“Any why aren’t you standin’ with the family.”