Page 38 of Bound By Temptation

“He wants to talk feelings and shit. I don’t want to talk feelings.” I looked up to Raid. “So let me go. Please, Raid, I’ve never asked you for anything. Even after everything that happened, I never did.”

Raid’s eyes roamed over me, then shifted over to Ax who I could feel at my back now. My body went taut.

“Brother. You fucked her? Seriously. How the fuck is that gonna solve anything?” Raid asked with a tone in his voice that surprised me and put me on edge, but I decided to look down at my feet.

One Monroe in front and one behind me. We were a fucking sandwich. My inside tingled at the thought, then I shut that thought down. No way in hell. Obviously, I had gone too long focused on work and not release.

I wasn’t a whore. Hell, I wasn’t even all that experienced, but here I went and fucked my ex against a wall like some lovesick idiot, and now—for the briefest of moments—I was thinking of having him again, only this time with his twin brother too! Seriously, someone commit my ass to one of those homes where I have constant supervision because I have lost my damn mind.

“This is between Indie and me, brother. You wanna let her go?” Ax asked.

“No,” Raid challenged with an even tone that wasn’t intended for an argument. “She wants to leave.”

“Does it look like she’s leavin’, brother?” Ax clipped, his tone a sharp edge.

They were going to fight. I’d been around for these twin fights, and no way I wanted to be in the middle of one of their knockdown dragouts. I needed to get my shit together and get the fuck out of Dodge.

Swallowing down all the emotions knotted up inside me, I used the one reason I knew no one would disagree with. “I really have to get back to the bakery. Gotta close up and clean.” That was a lie, but sue me! I wanted out of there. No, I needed out. More time between the Monroe boys meant more therapy later for my inner whore who had goosebumps simply by being in their presence.Get a grip, girl, you’ve had your fill.

Arms went around my stomach, and I was pulled backward into Ax’s hard body. Raid took a step closer, and my breathing picked up. Oh my God … this had to stop.

I’d just came twice, and my body was ready to go again. With brothers! No. No, no, no!

“I really…” Ax’s lips came to my ear stopping my words.

“Told ya we needed to talk. Don’t want ya leavin’ yet.”

My entire body shivered, but I burst out, “Told you we’re not talking! Now both of you let me go before I start kicking nuts,” I threatened, and both of them laughed.

Laughed. At. Me.

There was a little secret I kept in my arsenal. Before coming home, I took months of self-defense classes that turned into fighting lessons. It had been a while since I’d practiced which wasn’t smart, but what the hell.

With my last stitch of energy, I went for it.

My foot slammed hard into Ax’s shin. He had on steel-toed boots. So that wasn’t an option. It caught him off guard, and he released me just enough that I could elbow him hard in the side.

At the same time, I thrust my body hard into Raid, then spun. There were still hands on me, but I didn’t give them a second to get a better grip.

I took off like a shot, and whoever had a hold of me released. Darting right to my van, Princess stood there, and I slid to a halt.

“I have to go.” Fuck, what was it that Ravage always closed in together to protect their own! I was not Ravage and try as any of them might, I was not about to have a conversation with Ax. “I really need to go,” I repeated, not wanting to be rude, because she’d probably kick my ass, but I really needed her to move.

“That was badass. I have some other tricks I can teach ya,” she said on a smile, then crossed her arms and came to stand in front of me, just as two big bodies came stomping our way. “Go,” she told me, and I didn’t pause. Nope, I didn’t need to ask her questions; I didn’t need to hesitate. Princess Cruz was giving me what I needed and thank God for her sisterhood. I wasn’t losing the gift of this opportunity.

I jumped in the van, silently thanking whoever left the keys in the ignition, and took off out of the lot. It seemed to take forever for the metal gate to slide open, but when it did, I was gone.

I didn’t have to be back at the bakery, as my brother and sister were handling stuff, and it closed very soon. Luckily, that would be the place Ax would look.

Who the hell was I kidding? He wasn’t coming to look for me.

He got what he wanted, and I was the idiot who gave it to him. The stupid pill I took this morning sure did a bang-up job.

The outside of the house was dark, and a chill went down my spine as I looked around my surroundings. The letter creeped through my thoughts, and I had to push it out.

It wasn’t happening. Couldn’t.

Since my car was at the bakery, I opened the garage door and slid the van inside. I’d have to remember to call Marley, and he’d get my car here. I waited for the door to completely close, and I was locked in my garage, taking a huge breath once it was down.