“You know this guy?” Princess asked.
“Blaine. Dated but not serious. Him and Ax got into it at the bakery, and he called me a biker whore.”
Austyn took her boot and kicked him hard up the ass then spit at him. He cried out. “You’ll pay for that one too.”
“How did you find me?” I asked just as the sound of motorcycles came closer and closer. I looked at Bella.
“He’s coming.”
Those two words meant so much. True, I got out of the trunk, but him … I wanted to be in his arms. Everyone turned to the bikes that skidded to halts.
Ax jumped off, and I ran to him. Full out girly in a romance movie ran to Ax and wrapped him in my arms, sucking in deeply.
“Are you hurt?” he asked, clutching me tightly.
“Few bruises. But I’m okay.”
“Blaine,” Ax growled so low it vibrated through our connection.
“He broke into my house and took me. He didn’t say why or where we were going.”
“I’ll get him to talk,” Ax said darkly, and it didn’t scare me one bit. He was doing this for me.
I pulled back on a rush. “Gizmo! She’s locked in my bedroom at the house. There’s no front door!”
“I’ve got ya,” Tanner said, racing to her car and taking off.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here and back to the clubhouse,” Raid said, his hand coming to my shoulder and giving it a small squeeze that I tried not to flinch at. “Fuck. Sorry, Indie.”
“I’m okay. Just took a tumble, but I’m good.”
“Pack him up. Clubhouse.” This time it was from Buzz who had Bella wrapped in his arms.
“Come on, Indie. Let’s get you out of here.”
Not saying a word, I reached for Ax’s hand and followed him to his bike. Once on, we took off, but not to my house.
When the gate to the clubhouse closed behind us, a sense of calm fell over me.
I swung off the bike, and Ax followed. He wrapped me tightly in his arms. “You okay, Indie?”
“Told you…”
“Know about your time in college. How you had to fight and you killed. Now this bullshit of being kidnapped. Now are you okay?”
My heart sunk. I kept that information close to the vest. My family of course knew, but when I moved back here, I tried to forget it ever happened.
Now… Ax knew. He knew I was a murderer.
“I will be, Ax. How did you find out?”
He kissed the top of my head. “Raid.”
Before asking him to elaborate, the gate opened and Blaine’s car, being driven by Austyn, came into the lot. She moved past us and Banner Automotive into the field.
“He’s in the trunk, isn’t he?” I asked Ax.
“Yeah and soon to be dead.”