Cruz crossed his arms over his chest. “You had this shit planned.”
Old Red smiled once again. “You know it.” He snapped his fingers, and one of his men came up with a piece of paper and handing it to Cruz. “Location. Tonight.”
“Fucker,” Cruz said. “Get the fuck out and don’t come back.”
“Pleasure doin’ business with ya,” Old Red said.
“Dryerson. Get the boys outside and get the shit in here. Micah,” Cruz yelled loud, and Micah came out. “You head to the clubhouse and get the Tahoe back here. Now.”
“You got it.”
Both Dryerson and Micah left the building as Cruz turned to us Monroes. “That motherfucker will die, but we get him first. We’ll deliver him bloody and broken to Old Red. You get him here. I don’t give a fuck how you do it, but you do it now.”
Cruz pissed was never fun. Him pissed at us, really fucking sucked. Only made me want to find Nick even more.
“We’re on it.”
“Ax and Raid, you do this delivery with Deke, Ryker, Micah and Dryerson. Got it?”
Cruz opened the paper, then handed it to me. I read it and showed it to Raid.
Fucking hell.
“Boss, this shit is movin’,”Deke said, sitting one of the crates down inside the Pick.
“What do you mean movin’?” Cruz asked, taking a step forward.
Ryker brought another one in. “Yeah and fuckin hissin’. What the hell are we movin’?”
The crates were made of wood and had no slats in them. Just solid. But sure as shit it sounded like something moving … or slithering.
“It sounds like a fuckin’ snake.” This came from Green who brought another in followed by Dryerson. Four crates.
Four crates filled with what?
Cooper shook his head. “No fuckin’ way. We don’t play with fuckin’ reptiles. Old Red’s lost his mind.”
Cruz turned to Dryerson and Nox. “Open one.”
Dryerson and Nox looked at each other, then shrugged. Tug handed them a flathead screwdriver and a hammer. It didn’t take much to work the lid loose.
“I’ll fuckin’ shoot it,” Ryker said, pulling out his gun.
I was on board with him. It wasn’t that I had a problem with snakes. I had a problem with delivering a package with snakes in it. That was fucked up.
Nox pulled the top off, and two snakes jumped out of the box. Not fully but enough to have Nox dropping the lid and stepping back from them.
“You have got to be shittin’ me,” Cooper steamed, anger pouring from his presence as his father stepped with him.
Nox moved over to the wall and grabbed a walking stick. Why it was there I had no fuckin’ clue, but it was there. “Are these fuckers poisonous?” he asked, trying to get them back in the container with the stick.
“Fuck if I know. I’m no snake expert,” I answered, pulling out my gun. “What the fuck is going on here? Is Old Red fuckin’ with us?”