“Um … thanks?” She posed it as a question instead of a statement.
I grabbed the colander out of the cabinet and put it in the sink. Went over to the pasta and picked up the pot, dumping it in to drain. Letting it rest there, I stirred the sauce once more then took a taste. Not half bad with what I had.
Filling the large spoon with a little of the sauce, I took it over to Indie and held my hand under it to prevent any spills. I held it up to her lips and offered, “Tell me what ya think.”
Her brow quirked, and I could tell her inner panther wanted to scratch me. Surprisingly though, she opened her lips as I gave a blow to the sauce so it wouldn’t burn her.
Placing the spoon between her lips, her eyes stayed connected to mine as she took in the deliciousness.
When they widened, I pulled away.
“Oh my God. You made that from the scraps I have in my kitchen? I’d love to see what you could do when you had access to a store and everything you’d want.”
My heart thumped in my chest, and when her hand went to her mouth, I knew she’d finally caught what she had said. The little vixen wanted me to cook for her again.
That shit wouldn’t be a problem.
Indie shook her head, probably trying to clear out the indication she just allowed to slip. “I’m starving. Can we eat?”
My brow quirked. “Thought you weren’t hungry.”
A smile graced her lips. “Shut up and give me food, or better yet, I’ll get it myself. Matter of fact, thank you for your consideration and kindness in preparing me a meal. Now kindly go home.”
She moved to get off the chair, but I put my arm in front of her. “Sit. I’ll bring it to you. And, baby, you should know I get off on the attitude, so push all you want—the pull won’t be denied.”
“You don’t have to wait on me, Ax. I can do things for myself,” she snipped back.
I got so close to her, she had to tip her head to see me. “Queens need to be takin’ care of, Indie. So you sit.”
Her mouth moved, but nothing came out of it. Speechless. I could do with that. Slowly swiping my nose against her cheek, I turned away and went to the food.
“Does this mean I get a tiara?” she asked as I mixed the pasta and meat sauce in a bowl.
“Ab-so-fucking-lutely. I’ll put my mom on it. She knows where to get that shit.”
“Ax!” she yelled my name in a scold. “Do not ask your mother to get me a tiara. That was just a joke. I don’t need a damn crown, but I will take the title of Queen at least for tonight if it means you will do what I want.”
She’d be my queen every fucking day of our lives from this moment on. She just didn’t know it yet. Mom might have taught me how to cook, but Dad taught me how you treat the woman you love. Yeah, I fucking loved her. Never stopped.
It was time for me to put up or let it go. I was no fool. Letting Indie go again wasn’t an option.
Pulling out two plates, I dished out the food and walked over to Indie who had put little Gizmo down and was curled up at her feet.
“You wear the queen shit with honor. Not many get that title in life.”
She rolled her eyes then inhaled deep. “This smells amazing. Thank you, Ax.”
Cupping the side of her face, I brushed my thumb over her bottom lip. “Anything for you, Indie. Anything.”
I didn’t wait for her response. Instead, I turned around and got the utensils, napkins, and a glass of wine for me. Now wine wasn’t in my top ten of what I liked to drink, but I couldn’t find beer or any other liquor in the house. This would just have to do.
I sat next to Indie, giving her what she needed. She didn’t waste a moment digging right into the food. The first moan had my cock hardening, and I swore she was doing it on purpose because at the fifth one, I was ready to throw her on this counter and fuck her brains out.
“What about you?” she asked after swallowing.
Damn, this shit wasn’t half bad. Indie was right. I could make it better with fresh ingredients. That would be for another time.