This was a street fight. Nothing would be off limits. So I did what every women should do.
I kicked.
The more she struggled,the harder my cock got. And that slap to the ass? Yeah, I felt her body go completely still, and I could smell the arousal right under my nose. It took her a beat, but she went back to it.
Her yelling and screaming only made the grin on my face widen. Fuck, she did things to me no woman had ever done before. Parts inside of me that I thought were dead and gone long before.
Entering the room, I kicked the door shut, then slid her down my body. I felt every soft inch of her touch until she was on her feet, her full breasts feeling so damn good.
She glared up at me, probably thinking it would make me go away. Nope, only thought it was cute. Thatshewas cute. Her heavy breathing only added to it.
“Let me go,” she growled low, the vibration of her body doing nothing to tamp down my hard-on. Having her boxed in, there wasn’t anywhere for her to go.
“We need to talk.”
Fire blazed back at me as her head tipped up to me, our eyes connecting. “No. We really don’t. I need to get my shit and get as far away from here andyouas I can.”
The feisty panther was coming out to play. I pressed her hips so close to mine that no way she didn’t feel what she was doing to me. But her breath caught, telling me she felt it.
“Yes. We do.”
Her eyes narrowed as she came to a conclusion. “You’re not gonna let me go until you say what you need to say. Are you?”
A smile graced my face. She knew me better than most. “Nope. Not giving you an inch.”
She huffed out deeply, her sweet taste filling my nose. “Fine. Talk. Get it out of your system, and I’m gone.”
No. She wouldn’t be gone. Seeing Cone and Heavy approach her like wild beasts, something inside me clicked, and all the pieces of the puzzles in my life started fitting together. Each going into its place inside me. Pieces that had been scattered for years, from going here to there.
She, Indigo was the one who made the puzzle complete. She had all the scattered pieces becoming whole.
Indie was mine. Had always been mine. She’d be mine forever. Convincing her of that was another story.
I felt a vulnerability in this moment that I wasn’t used to, but I kept a tight hold on it, hoping it didn’t come through my actions or words. She hated me. Wanted nothing to do with me. Even in this moment she couldn’t wait to get away from me. I had a lot of work to do with her, and I’d do it. No matter how long it took.
I’d never shown my vulnerable side to anyone but Indie. She always had that part of me. Always would.
Indie’s hands were on my chest with the intention of trying to push back, but I didn’t release her; my arms wrapped around her tight. I liked her just the way she was, and with her skittering breathing I knew she was right here in the moment with me. The fire was becoming more sensual and needy, stirring in the air like the beginning of a tornado.
“I’m sorry.” At my words, she stopped pushing, and her mouth fell open only to snap shut quickly. Guess I stunned her. Well, I stunned my damn self. It was something that should’ve been said years ago, but I never did. Why? Fuck if I knew, but it probably had to do with some fucked up pride thing.
“What?” she whispered.
“You heard me. Sorry I fucked us up. What we had up. I was young and dumb.” Damn, she was so beautiful. The way her hair moved in little wisps around her face had me wanting to push them back, but I didn’t release her. The way her lips were so full and wanting. She had a beauty no one compared to.
She swallowed deep. “Young and dumb. Yes. You were. Now let. Me. Go.”
My head shook negative. “Can’t do that. Did it then. Can’t do it ever again.”
“You have to,” she said so quietly I didn’t know if she meant to say it out loud. “Sorry doesn’t fix this, Ax. What you did…”
My hands snaked up her back and clutched the back of her neck as I moved in closer, my lips coming so very close to hers they were only a breath away. “I know that. Doesn’t mean I won’t bust my ass every fuckin’ day to make you understand and build us back up.”
“You des…” She started to say, but I leaned down and fully took her mouth with every pent-up feeling I’d ever had of Indie pouring through it. Her lips were as soft as I remembered, and it didn’t take but a second before she was kissing me back. Her hand slithered up my back to where she flipped my hat off, and her fingers went into my hair.