It didn’t take us long to get to the hole, but Cruz was there and stopped us. “It’s not big enough. We’re moving to the side barn.”
“What’s not big enough?” Indie asked.
“The hole,” I answered, lifted my chin.
I entered the side barn, Indie right behind me and Mom behind her.
“I want to know what that is later,” she said and stopped so hard my mother ran into her.
“Sorry,” she said. My mother reached out and squeezed Indie’s hand, ushering her through.
Blaine was strapped to a large table where he lay flat. His arms and legs were wide and shackled.
No doubt this had to be a shock for my woman, but she needed to know this was part of the life. We all trusted each other, and we were officially bringing her into the fold.
I hoped like fuck that she saw this.
“You good?” I asked as we walked closer to Blaine.
“Actually, yeah. I am.”
Putting my arm around her and pulling her tight, I kissed her temple.
Fuck yeah. She was ready for this life.
The barn was verylarge and felt as if we were walking into a stadium rather than a building on the Ravage MC Property. Wide doors aligned several places and appeared similar to ones you’d see for a garage. There were several doors as well which were painted red. The large structure was all concrete blocks.
I had no idea how in the world something this large could be built with concrete blocks, but there it was.
Ax held my hand as we moved to the door then through it as I took in the space which was a bit intimidating. There were sectioned walls with doors that were shut. Couldn’t help but be curious what was behind them.
We moved to the open section and saw a lot of the Ravage MC family. Not just the men, but the women too. The ones who came for me. My heart tightened at the thought.
I didn’t know the rules but knew they had them. I’d thought Ax told me a long time ago that the women weren’t part of “club business.” Then again, this was “me” business. But with all the men here, maybe it was club business as well? I wasn’t sure. Hell, I wasn’t sure of anything at this point. Just that I was sore from banging on that trunk and trying to get the plastic up for the tire iron.
I never wanted to see the inside of a car trunk again.
All eyes came toward Ax and me, and I felt actual feeling from them. Not contempt or anger. No, I felt as if I belonged with this group. Like I always intended on being here in this moment. It wasn’t what was about to happen. It was about all of them coming to take me back. It was trust. One I didn’t realize how desperately I craved until actually getting here.
It was Buzz who came up to us first, standing in front of us. “You wanna lead?”
Behind him was a large brownish table, and Blaine was strapped to it by his arms, legs, and torso. His fists opened and closed as they turned a bit purple meaning those cuffs were pretty tight.
I looked up to Ax who was looking down at me, awaiting my answer. Leading? What did that mean? Especially with all these people around, including the President of the club. I looked at Buzz. “Me?” Shock filled me as Buzz smirked, probably reading my thoughts, and nodded. “I … what do you mean lead?”
Buzz looked to his son, and Ax turned me to explain. “Do you want to find out why he kidnapped you? Or do you want to stand back and have me lead it for you?”
Without thinking on it, I answered, “Yes, I do.”
Ax nodded in a way that showed pride. Yeah, I loved this man.
Shouldn’t I be freaked out about this? Shouldn’t I feel like this was wrong? But I didn’t. I felt justified. I felt as though I wanted answers from this man, and I was going to get them.
Releasing Ax’s hand, I walked to the table where Blaine was strapped down. He was seriously worse for wear with blood oozing down his face from a large cut on his eyebrow. His eyes were already starting to balloon up and had a deep red tint to them. His lip was cut in several places and had blood caked there as well. It also looked as if his nose had been broken as it again had blood and the bone appeared at a strange angle.