Page 93 of Tempted By Her

Lark had sung various songs for me before, but this one I didn’t recognize. It was soft and sort of folky and with her deeper voice it hit me in the center of my chest. Mesmerized, I watched as she performed the song on the couch for me as tears started to fall from my eyes at how incredible she was.

It took until the second time she hit the chorus for me to realize that the reason that I didn’t recognize this song was that she’d written it.

Lark had written me a fucking song.

I felt awful for sniffing during her performance, but I couldn’t help it. I was losing it. Lark held the last note and looked at me, her face still dreamy from wherever she went when she performed.

“Holy shit,” I said, grabbing some tissues. “I don’t even know what to say to that because I don’t have the right words. My god, Lark.”

I was honestly a little scared of her after that.

“You liked it?” she asked in a small voice.

“I loved it. I beyond loved it. No one’s ever written a song for me before. I can’t imagine how much work that was, fuck, come here.”

I kissed her beautiful mouth and tried to show her how much I appreciated this unbelievable gift. If I hadn’t already been completely and totally in love with her, that would have absolutely done it.

“You liked it?” she said, pulling back as I held her face between my hands.

“Yes,” I said. “Yes, I did.”

Her smile was everything.

“I can’t exactly top that, but, well, here you go,” I said, feeling like absolute shit about my present as I turned the frame around and showed it to her. Compared to hers, mine was silly and ridiculous. If only I had an ounce of artistic talent. Maybe I should have gone with sex coupons.

Lark’s mouth dropped open.

“Oh my god,” she said, staring at the picture. “This is us!”

“Yeah, I had a book cover artist make it.”

Lark let out a loud laugh. “Oh my god, this is amazing! I love it!”

She stared at the picture for a while, taking it all in. “There’s even a burrito, holy shit. This is the best thing I’ve ever seen.”

“You like it?” I asked.

“I adore it,” she said, kissing me and then going back to the poster.

“Now I’m going to want more of these done in different cover styles,” she said. “How cute would we be on one of those illustrated covers? Or a really dark moody one?”

“I can ask Hollis if she could make more. She said she loved doing it,” I told her.

Lark stood up and glanced around. “Now we just have to figure out where to put it. I’d love to have it in my room, but it doesn’t seem right to keep it to myself. How about here?” She pointed to a spot of wall near the TV that had a few random pictures that Joy had bought and hadn’t taken with her when she moved. They’d been hung up for so long that I didn’t even notice them anymore.

“You think it will work?” she said, going over and holding up the poster.

“We’ll make it work,” I said, putting my hand on her back.

“Thank you for this, it’s perfect,” she said, puckering her lips for a kiss.

“It’s not, but your song was. Beyond perfect,” I said. “Will you sing it for me again?”

“After we hang up my poster,” she said.

Chapter Seventeen

“How was your weekend?”Everly asked when she came in on Monday.