Page 7 of Tempted By Her

“You’re gorgeous,” I said, which was the first thing that came to my mind.

Lark breathed heavily and a soft smile spread on her face. Fuck, she really was beautiful. So much that I wanted to look away, but I didn’t.

“Kiss me,” she said in a soft voice, and I did. Her body was warm and sweaty and languid, and I rolled us so we were on our sides.

“What do you need?” she asked after we kissed for a few moments.

“After watching you? Not much,” I said, taking her hand, and running it down my stomach before letting go and giving her the chance to do what she wanted with me.

“I want to taste you, too,” she said.

I rolled onto my back and spread my thighs.

“Go ahead, love,” I said.

Lark sat up, her hair complete chaos. Even more so than mine. She had a huge smile on her face, as if I’d just gifted her with a special gift.

“Actually,” she said, licking her lips. “Can you sit on my face?”

This was shaping up to be the greatest night of my life, and I’d had a lot of great nights.

“Fuck yeah I can,” I said, sitting up and helping her arrange herself on my pillows so she was comfortable.

“Ready?” I asked her. She nodded and I straddled the top of her chest and grabbed onto my bed frame. The bed frame I’d specifically chosen for activities like this. The guy at the discount store had been a little taken aback when I asked how sturdy it was.

“In case of an earthquake or hurricane,” I’d said, but I knew he didn’t believe me.

The first touch of Lark’s tongue made me want to just grind mercilessly against her face, but I held myself back as best I could, letting her take the lead.

While the first lick seemed like a test, the second, third, and everything after that felt like a mission. Lark’s mission was to destroy me in the process of getting me off, and I was going to let her. Lark’s fingers dug into my hips, urging me to move. To use her mouth.

“Goddamn, you’re perfect,” I said as I thrust against her eager tongue. She made a sound of satisfaction and that was all it took for me to completely surrender to my body and the sweet inevitable clutch of a powerful climax that started hard and just got harder as I seized against her mouth. I hadn’t come like this, with stars bursting behind my eyes, in ages. Not all orgasms were created equal and this one was an inferno, whereas others were like little sparks.

Once my body quieted down, I looked down to make sure I hadn’t suffocated Lark as I’d been coming.

I leaned back and rested on her chest again.

She smiled up at me, her face wet.

“Thank you,” she said, licking my taste from her lips.

“You’re welcome,” I said, at a loss for any other words.

Chapter Two

Three months later…

“I can give you some money,” Joy said as we ate lunch together. Even though we weren’t living together anymore, we still ate lunch together every Monday, as we had pretty much since we’d moved in together six years ago.

“No way. I don’t need money,” I said. I mean, that wasn’t entirely true. Carrying both halves of the rent while I searched for a roommate was a challenge, and it was starting to break me. There were a few days where I had absolutely nothing in my bank account until payday, and I’d been in the hole a few times. I hadn’t told Joy about that, because I didn’t want her to offer to give me money. Like she was doing right now.

“I’m fine. I’m going to find someone,” I said.

“You will,” Joy said, nodding with confidence. “You might just have to lower some of your expectations.”

“Are you saying my expectations are too high?” I asked. “I’m not that picky.”

Joy gave me a look. “I love you, but you’re not going to find someone if you’re unwilling to compromise.”