Page 25 of Tempted By Her

“Fuck, I love a good nap,” I said. “And a good bath.”

Lark nodded. “Totally.”

“I have a degree in marketing, so sometimes I think about doing something with that, but I never get very far. Of course, I could start my own company and be a freelancer, but that’s a complete gamble,” I said.

Lark nodded. “Yeah, I get it. I’ve thought about all kinds of things, but they all seem too unstable. With the coffee shop, I know exactly what I’m getting based on the hours I worked. It might not be as much as I’d like, but I can set a budget. Freelancing is rolling the dice.”

I nodded. It was a dilemma.

“Sometimes I think I’m too practical when it comes to careers, which is funny, because no one who knows me would say I was practical,” I said.

“Practical people are boring. Look at my sister.”

“Honor isn’t boring. She’s just too tightly wound. Less tight now that she’s with Layne,” I said.

Lark conceded that point. “That’s true. She does smile and laugh a lot more. And she isn’t up my ass all the time. I should thank Layne.”

We finished our tea and talked about career options, but we didn’t get anywhere. The show was completely forgotten.

“Okay, enough work talk. I need to read something dirty,” she said.

“If you need any recommendations, I am happy to offer them. And you can borrow any of my books that you want.”

I didn’t lend my books to just anybody, but Lark was different. She’d been through a lot and I just…wanted to be nice to her. She’d dealt with a lot of shit in her life, more shit than some people. Lark deserved softness.

“Thanks,” she said. “I’m still working on the ones that Joy got for me. That was really sweet of her.”

“She’s the best,” I said.

“Sorry I’m a roommate downgrade,” she said.

“You’re not,” I said, nudging her with my foot. “And the bar was really, really high. There’s only one Joy Greene and I lost custody of her to Ezra.”

“I lost my sister to Layne, but honestly, I was fine with that. She can have her.”

She laughed and I knew Honor wouldn’t have taken that comment personally at all and would have said the same thing about Lark if the roles were reversed.

“I think Layne’s very happy with their arrangement,” I said.

“So’s Honor. The walls between their bedroom and the living room are very thin,” Lark said with a shudder. “Layne’s loud.”

I snorted. “I’m sure. I’ve never been particularly quiet myself. Poor Joy had to invest in earplugs and noise-canceling headphones.”

“She should have left them for me,” Lark said. “Or are you still on your hiatus?”

Shit. I shouldn’t have brought up the headphones. Now we were talking about my sex life. Normally it was a perfectly fine topic of conversation for me, but not with Lark.

“Still on hiatus,” I said.

“Because of me?” she asked. How the hell had we come back around to this again? It was like Lark had deliberately steered us in this direction even after I’d said I didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

“No,” I said, and I could hear the defensiveness in my voice. “You were a blip in the hiatus, and I went right back to it and things are going great.”

“Okay, sure,” she said, smirking a little bit.

“I’m going to read,” I announced, standing up from the couch.

“Sounds like a plan,” Lark said, still smiling and unbothered.