She scrubbed a hand across her face. “Did I seriously just fall asleep sitting upright in your car?”

Without even giving my brain enough time to engage, I leaned across the center console and kissed her forehead. “Yes, you did. It’s called a luxury vehicle for a reason, you know.” I backed out of the parking space and slowly exited the garage. I took much longer getting her home than necessary, not wanting to jostle the head lying on my biceps.

The woman had effectively ruined my vehicle for me, because from that point forward there wasn’t a chance in hell I’d be able to even sit in it without remembering the feel of her beside me. The light floral notes of her perfume were permeating the seats and would hopefully never dissipate.

When we arrived at her house, I forced her into a shower and pajamas while I brewed a cup of the calming tea I’d sent as her first mystery gift that felt like it had been eons earlier. I was rather pleased with the presentation of toast and the dainty mug that was at odds with the snarky ones she preferred for work on a tray all set to join her in bed when I saw her on the couch tapping away on her laptop.

I set everything on the coffee table and plucked the device from her hands while she was mid-typing to colorful protestations. “We didn’t leave the office just for you to come home and work. The entire point is for you to rest.” I picked up the remote and queued up a streaming service as I took a seat beside her and nudged her shoulder until her head was resting in my lap. I pulled the blanket from the back of the sofa and covered her, ignoring the tightening of my heart as she relented and snuggled into me. “You pick the series—zombies or drug kingpins.”

She lifted enough to take a couple of sips of the tea with a hum of appreciation before resting against me once more. “Fine. Zombies feels more holiday-appropriate.”

The opening credits had barely finished when her breathing evened out and the raspy snores took over. I smiled and settled deeper into the cushions.

I stroked my hand up and down the length of her arm, slowly accepting what I should have known when the notion to deliver daily secret gifts to Leah had first occurred to me, that I had fallen hard and fast in love with a woman with a smart mouth, a sassy attitude and curves that were certain to haunt me long after I met my maker.

* * * *

It took more than a few blinks of my grainy eyes for my memory to kick in and remind me exactly why I was waking up on Leah’s couch with nearly every muscle of my body protesting the awkward position. Leah stirred in my lap, and I reached down to run a hand over her silky chestnut hair. My bladder was demanding I move nearly as loudly as my joints were screaming for a change in position, but her dark lashes still rested against her cheekbones which, thankfully, held a much better coloring than when we’d left work. As long as she was sleeping comfortably, I’d deal with the aches and pains.

Her phone vibrated on the coffee table a few seconds before her doorbell rang, heralding an end to the serenity of the moment. She stretched, turned and pinned me with a sleepy, content smile that stole every molecule of air from my lungs. The woman owned every part of me and had no idea.

“How do you feel?” I laid the back of my hand to her forehead and released a relieved sigh when it was cool to the touch.

She swallowed a few times and wiggled a little in my lap. “Better, I think. My nose is still a little stuffy, but it isn’t bad.” She frowned, turning her Cupid’s-bow mouth into an adorable pout. “I hope you’re not going to get sick next.”

Oh hell, I was actually using the word ‘adorable’. I was clearly too far gone to be able to form coherent thoughts.

I winked at her and reluctantly nudged her slightly so I could stand and answer the door. “I have superior immunity, of course.” I motioned to the door. “I think the chicken soup I ordered just arrived.” I gave her as stern a look as I could muster and pointed at her. “Don’t move until I get back.”

She rolled her eyes and gave a mock salute. “Aye, aye, Captain.”

One look at the threshold as soon as I opened the door was nearly my undoing. I puckered my lips and twisted them to one side, holding my breath to keep myself from bursting out into fits of laughter. Today’s gift arrived early, and I was a lucky bastard that was going to deliver the present I’d ordered that she thought was from some mysterious stranger.

The icy air that threatened to add more snow to the two inches already blanketing the ground forced me to snap up the package and seal the outside world away again. I had to quickly decide the right way to hand it off without seeming too suspicious. Acting jealous was not only an asshole move in general but would also add a gross level of deceit to my, mostly, innocently intended gestures.

Instead, I made sure I had a fairly benign smile and wasn’t at all too excited to place the plain brown box in her lap. Her face lit up, but then she gave me a slightly hesitant look. Nope, I wasn’t about to let one second of joy slip away.

“Secret Santa?” I probed, keeping my expression positive, but tempered enough I didn’t seem overexcited at the notion of my girlfriend getting gifts from an infatuated stranger. When she nodded, I took my seat next to her and lifted my chin. “Open it.”

I might have planned out the present, but the timing for this one was pure serendipity. The collection of bath bombs, designer soaps and luxury bath pillow mat with both a head and a lumbar cushion were exactly the ingredients she needed to force what the rest her body was clearly demanding. Just the brief two-hour nap had done wonders for her coloring and voice.

Lifting my brows, I held up one of the fragrant bombs designed to—very realistically—look like a cupcake. “Looks like the perfect timing for a relaxing day.”

She lowered her chin, giving me a deadpan expression. “I just showered. I certainly don’t need a bath.” She bit her lower lip as her gaze ran over the contents of the box again. “It is weird how whoever this is seems to have impeccable timing. It’s almost as if it’s someone I see on a regular basis.”

I was so close to my grand finale that I didn’t want that brilliant brain of hers going too far down that path. “How about we stop worrying about that and focus on making use of these instead, hm?”

Fire lit up her blue irises. “We?”

I laid a hand on my chest and gave an appalled gasp. “What kind of a heartless boyfriend would I be to allow my convalescing girlfriend to bathe alone?” I nuzzled close to her ear. “No, no, I need to make sure you are safe and sound, and the best way is to be right there with you, sweetheart.”

She sighed and leaned into me. “So cautious.”

Chapter Fifteen


“This is too easy.”