“Can we just focus on this town meeting, please?” Fern insists, using Echo’s method of simply ignoring the question and asking one of her own. “Because that is a more pressing issue. The meeting is in a few hours.”
Echo glances around, trying to gauge everyone’s opinions before he makes his final decision. “Looks like we’re going to the meeting.”
I let out a sigh of relief. I don’t know what Echo will do when he gets there since he hasn’t given us any idea how he’s feeling, but I suppose it’s better than nothing.
Our impromptu meeting over, Jace, Fern, and I move towards the exit before Echo can change his mind.
“I don’t like this,”I whisper quietly to Fern as I lace my fingers through hers. I love the sensation of her hand in mine. “There aresomany people here. I’ll admit, I’m not a regular attendee of any town meetings, but I’m sure they aren’t usually like this. I think everyone from Iron Mountain is here.”
Fern, wide-eyed, nods and hugs me a little closer. As the crowd surges past us.
Jace, having already made his way inside, is determined to make things better for the dragons, determined to get rid of the Nightshade Hunters. I can only imagine the change in Madison has made him more resolute to achieve those goals. Just because they were in more of a hookup situation than anything else doesn’t mean he only wants bad things for her. He’s a good guy with a big heart and will do anything for anyone, especially the people he has cared about. I can understand why this has gotten under his skin like so badly.
“It’s going to be fine,” Fern insists. “We are going to make this work out. I know the meeting with Echo didn’t exactly go the way we’d hoped, but my father is on our side, and that’s something. Don’t you think? He never really has much of an opinion about anything, especially not when it involves me.”
I just hope her father doesn’t let her down. Because he has done so before. I don’t have time to voice my worry, though, because Fern rises to her tiptoes and kisses me. I don’t know if anyone is looking at us, they might be far too interested in the dragons to worry about us, but it feels like a declaration none the less. I loop my arms around Fern’s back and hold her as the kiss deepens.
Fern really is everything I thought she would be and more. So much more. She’s perfect. Perfect for me, and somehow perfect for us. None of us know what the hell will happen in the future, but this kiss is a good sign that she wants me in her life as much as I want her in mine. This is a sign that I have found my mate.
“Come on,” Fern whispers as we pull apart just enough for me to rest my forehead against hers and stare deeply into her beautiful eyes. “Let’s go inside and fight for Griffin and Roddrur, since no one else is going to.”
“Do you think any of the Nightshade Hunters will be there?” I ask nervously, because I don’t know how Jace will react if he sees Digby.
“I don’t know,” Fern admits. “They might not need to if they have the mayor on their side.”
“That’s a good point. I’m sure they think they have this under control.” I still feel uncomfortable about all of this, but I follow Fern inside anyway. I try to find the same strength inside me that she has. She seems to be really ready for all of this, which is admirable since we have no idea what is going to happen.
“I see Jace at the front. We should go and sit with him,” Fern says, and pulls on my hand.
I look all around the room to try to locate any of the Nightshade Hunters. There are so many people that it’s hard to get a good look at everyone, but I haven’t spotted one yet. It seems like they really are relying on the mayor to do everything for them. This could get really ugly.
Jace is practically vibrating with anger when we take a seat beside him. He doesn’t even acknowledge us, he just keeps staring forwards, waiting for something to happen. Fuck, I don’t think I have ever seen him like this before.
“Jace, don’t worry,” Fern says, trying to soothe him. “We are going to do this. Echo and the pack elders will come and help us with this. We are going to make sure the dragons are fine, and we are going to make the town see who the Nightshade Hunters really are.”
I really hope she is right. If we can make that happen, then we can save lives. We can stop other people from overdosing and getting hurt. Itisa lot of pressure, but I have to have hope.
“Alright, order!” Mayor West appears on the stage in front of us. “Order, everyone. Thank you for coming to this very important meeting. I appreciate it. It isn’t often that I call a meeting like this on such short notice, but as I’m sure you are all aware, this is urgent.”
“Slay the dragon!” someone yells, making me wince. “We can’t have a dangerous beast fucking up our town.”
“A dragon who has lived there for years,” Fern calls out without hesitation. “And no one has ever been harmed. Not by the dragon anyway. I think we all know who is really dangerous in this town, but nothing is ever done about the Nightshade Hunters.”
Oh shit. I think she might have gone in on the wolves a little too quickly. Everyone starts to argue about the Nightshade Hunters and the dragon now. Mayor West tries to regain order, but there’s no chance in hell that’s going to happen. The meeting has devolved into utter chaos.
“This willnothappen.”
Everyone turns in their seats to find Frederick Almaz at the back of the room. The man has a voice that absolutely commands attention. I had forgotten what a force of nature he can be.
“You willnotgo after the dragons of Iron Mountain because they have never caused us any harm. They have been here for centuries and never done a thing to us. In fact, they have been doing what they can to help the town from behind the scenes. So, Mayor West, you willnotcause an uproar today. You will not cause the town to turn on the dragons just because you are lining your pockets with drug money. Of course, everyone knows who that money comes from. I don’t need to specify…”
Mayor West doesn’t say a word, but his cheeks glow red with anger or humiliation, maybe both. It’s obvious what Frederick is saying is the truth, and I don’t think anyone in the crowd is happy about it. More than that, it’s nice that he wants to help the dragons for his daughter’s sake. At least, I assume that’s his reasoning. Hopefully to make up for the way that he has treated her over the last few years.
By the time I turn back again, Frederick is gone. He has done what he needed to do. Echo remains, but he simply stares around the room at all the chaos in shock, unsure of what to do. Maybe it’s for the best that there aren’t any Nightshade Hunters here. Because then it would become one hell of a fight and everyone would end up hurt.
Although, at this rate, it might go down that route anyway.