“Fuck,” I whisper as sweat pours down my face. “Fucking hell. Fuck.”

I slide in and out of consciousness as my body recovers. It’s a harrowing experience to go through alone, but what’s worse is not knowing where Fern is. I just want Griffin to let me know that she is safe. It doesn’t really matter what happens to me. As long as she is safe and okay, that’s all I need to know. That’s all I’m worried about.

All I can think about is her face. Her soft, beautiful face. It’s like she’s an angel preventing me from sinking deeper in to hell…

* * *

I boltupright as shock courses through my veins. I don’t knowwhatis going on, but it doesn’t feel right. I don’t feel right.

“Finally, you’re awake.” Griffin leans over me, smiling ear to ear. “Thank goodness for that. I was starting to get a little worried about you. It’s been all day.”

I force myself to sit up straighter, despite my aching head. “Where am I?”

“My place,” one of the wolves replies. Jace, I think. “I just moved. No one knows where I live, so no one will find us here. I’m a pretty isolated guy.”

“Uh-huh, but why? No one bothers me at the cave…” I say, confused as to why we’ve left the relative safety of my cave.

“Well, the Nightshade Hunter who shot at you knows where you live,” Griffin reminds me. “And the threats on the boat were insane.”

“Threats on the boat?” Memories come back to me in short bursts. “Oh my God…”

“We’re okay, Slane and I,” Fern reassures me, pointing to the other wolf, letting me know they’re here. “It definitely got out of hand after the gunshot, and then Madison tried to throw me in the water…”

Jace looks absolutely horrified and enraged at the same time. If he could get his hands on Madison right now, I’m pretty sure he would wring the life out of her.

“But,” Slane jumps in, “we are all fine. There was some fighting and some issues, but we all got out of there okay. We just need to hide out here for a while.”

I haven’t been out of my cave for so long that this is definitely strange. I’m trying to be totally okay with it, and I am glad they took me away from danger, but I don’t know how to act here.

“I guess we should probably discuss the elephant in the room, right?” Jace asks as he rises to his feet and starts pacing. “I know we’re all just sitting here in silence, trying to avoid what’s going on here, but we should talk, right?”

I’ve obviously missed out on a lot. And nothing good, it appears. But I have to admit that I do want to catch up and find out what the elephant in the room is. It must be something important.

“Well, since none of you want to speak first, I will.” Jace turns to Fern. “Fern, I have feelings for you. I know how crazy that sounds in the middle of everything, but I do. Real, intense feelings, and I know everyone else in this room does too, it’s one of those things that has been building quickly during this intense few weeks we have spent together, so…”

He glances at Slane and Griffin, and they murmur in agreement.

Is this really the way we’re going to do things? Just spill our guts like that? I might not have a lot of experience with women, but this doesn’t feel very romantic.

“Fern, I…” Oh God, I probably should have thought this through, but I’m speaking now and I don’t think I can stop the words from coming. “I have never met anyone quite like you before. I know I probably shouldn’t feel this way, but I can’t help myself. I just…”

She silences me. But in the best way possible. She crashes her lips to mine to resume the kiss we shared once before. It’s pretty awkward in the middle of this small, unfamiliar space with the other guys, but I sink into the kiss easily. I run my hands up her body and hold her for a moment.

She slips away from me, grabs Jace’s shirt, and drags him towards her. With a heady lust in her eyes, she kisses him too. It’s a massive shock to me, but I guess we’re finally addressing the elephant in the room.

Even more shocking is the moment Griffin presses against Fern from behind, like this is totally fine for him. As she kisses Jace, he presses his face in to her hair, her neck, and starts kissing her there. I can’t take my eyes off of the scene unveiling in front of me.

Fern twists around, replacing Jace’s lips with Griffin’s. I notice my cock hardening, desire flooding my body. I want Fern back here with me, but I’m also enjoying just watching her.

Fern reaches out and grabs Slane’s hand. He definitely looks hesitant as she pulls him up to his feet, but that all melts away as she kisses him. Oddly, this doesn’t feel like she’s comparing us and trying to figure out which one of us she wants. It feels like she’s choosing us all. That’s not something I have ever considered in my life, but as it’s happening here and now, it’s very easy for me to get swept up in the thrill of it all. The sexual anticipation is just too high.

Fern’s hand wraps around my waist as I join her, edging away from Griffin. She lets out a little groan of pleasure as she runs her delicate little fingers up and down me. But it’s nothing compared to the guttural growl that falls from my lips. Holy shit, that small sensation is almost enough to tip me over the edge.

“Oh, Slane,” Fern murmurs as she arches her back. I notice him behind her, sliding his hands up her legs as he touches her. I’m jealous, aching to massage her soaking wet slit. I want to know exactly how much we all turn her on. “Fuck, that feels good.”

I slide my hand between her thighs to meet Slane’s fingers after he finishes sliding down her pants. I gently caress her clit as he plunges his fingers deep inside of her. This is so much more intoxicating than I thought it would be. The hotter it gets in this room, the more I realize that Fern is needs all of us. There is something about this that just works. Dragon and wolf. I didn’t think it could happen one on one, but somehow, it’s working with all of us.

Through all the heat, the hands, the lips, the tongues, Jace leads us to his bedroom. The fact that this is an unfamiliar environment only adds to how exciting this moment is. I never want it to end.