I’m actually shaking I’m so nervous. This isn’t like me at all. I’m usually so strong and confident, nothing gets to me, but knowing that I’m the target of the Nightshade Hunters really has me freaked out. I’ve been a mess ever since I received the threatening letter a couple of weeks back. Even when I have people with me all the time, looking out for me, I’m constantly having to look over my shoulder. Just in case. Even here, at the office, I don’t feel great.

“It’s going to be okay, you know?” Slane reassures me. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you, and neither is anyone else.”

I nod, but I don’t know if I really believe him. My heart is thundering against my ribcage and my stomach is doing flip flops. I’m a mess.

“Roddrur and Griffin are on watch this morning, so we have extra back up,” he continues with a smile. “Jace is chasing down some information, but as soon as he’s done, he will be back.” Slane laces his fingers through mine, and I feel a spark light up my body. It’s something I have been experiencing a lot recently. The more time that I spend with the guys, the more intense it gets. The last few days especially have been a real roller coaster of emotions. Each guy makes me feel crazy in his own way.

With Roddrur, there is an intensity. It’s passionate and exciting. It’s deep and meaningful on a level I can’t even begin to understand, and I can’t get enough of it. I drown in the desire, and I don’t even try to gasp for air because it feels that good.

With Griffin, it’s playful and new. I feel invigorated and uplifted around him. He makes me smile even when things are hard in this hellish nightmare I’m currently living. Thinking of him brightens up my day. He’s a dream come true.

Then there is Jace. The bad boy who has a heart of gold. He’s the wolf everyone has always had a crush on, and now I know why. I always thought he was hot as hell, but now it’s like I’m addicted to having him around. The more time I spend with him, the more I want him. He’s my personal drug and I always want so much more. And the thing is, he isn’t even a bad boy. The rumors aren’t right. That’s his reputation, but deep down he has a heart of gold.

Slane has come as a surprise to me. He has this softness and kindness that I never expected. If anyone can reassure me and make me feel better, it’s him. He’s like a ray of sunshine.

I like and have chemistry with all of them all, which is so very confusing. I don’t know what to do with these feelings. I’ve never found anyone who’s made me feel so special, to the point where I’d kind of given up on the idea of falling in love with anyone. But now there are four hot guys who seem to want me, and who make me feel all kinds of things. I don’t want to let any of them go. They all bring such different things to me that I want them all to stay in my life. Rationally, I know that isn’t possible, since once I make a choice it will make things way too awkward with everyone else, but that doesn’t mean I can’t dream.

God, what is wrong with me? I shouldn’t even be thinking about my love life when my life is in danger and the town is going to shit, but I can’t seem to help myself.

“I need to…to focus on the boat tours,” I tell Slane as I stand up. “I need to make sure things remain normal. I don’t want to let Brian down. He’s left me in charge this morning while he’s in meetings, and I need to do well.”

Actually, I don’t want to let myself down. I don’t want to get lost in these worries and all this confusion, because if I do, I feel like there won’t be any coming back from that. If I fall, I will never be able to get back on my feet. I will never be able to return to normal.

“Are you getting a lot of tourists?” Slane asks curiously. “I bet it’s getting really busy with the dragon sightings.”

I let out a little laugh. “Yeah, I think Roddrur is getting a real kick out of it.”

After having to hide for so many years, I can only imagine how much fun it is to fly free and let people see him ever so briefly, just to confuse and fascinate the audience. To make sure tourists are thinking about the potential cave dragon, and not the crime rates of Iron Mountain. I do get why Griffin is so freaked out about the whole thing because it could lead to further trouble with the dragons scattered around the world, but Roddrur must want to have fun. He needs it.

I take a look outside to see the queue starting to form, ready for the tour. “Looks like Roddrur is going to have a big audience today. I have to get my shit together.”

Slane leans in behind me and looks out at the line. “Oh fuck.”

I turn to look at him. “What are you worried about? I know it’s a lot of people, but—”

“No, that isn’t it.” He shakes his head. “You see those two?” He points at a couple who look way too flashy to be vacationing in Iron Mountain. I try to narrow my eyes and focus in on who they are, but they’re too far away for me to recognize. “That’s Madison and Digby. He is a member of the Nightshade Hunter pack.”

“What?” I gasp, stiffening in terror. “Is she tied to the Nightshade Hunters too?”

“Don’t think so, but she is an ex of Jace’s.” Slane pauses thoughtfully for a moment. “Not an ex-girlfriend or anything like that. Just someone he spent time with We aren’t going to leave you alone with her. You need to have as much protection as possible today.”

I nod, trying to be understanding. I know he has a past, he didn’t get that bad boy reputation from nowhere, but that doesn’t mean I want to hear all about it. I can’t stop myself from feeling jealous, even if I’ve had chemistry with other men.

“So, why are they here?” I ask again through gritted teeth. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know, but we need to be on high alert,” Slane grabs his cell phone. “I’ll text Jace and tell him he needs to get here now.”

“None of us were prepared for this. I would like to assume that them being here is just a coincidence, but since the Nightshade Hunters have been targeting me ever since I was offered drugs that night, I doubt that’s the case.

They are here for me.

I jut my chin out and hold my head up high. “I don’t need to worry about them. I’m not going to let them control my life. It isn’t right. It isn’t fair.”

I keep that false confidence around me as I take out the first boat tour of the day. I can sense Madison and Digby talking about me, trying to make me feel uncomfortable. If that’s the best they have, I can handle that shit. Fuck them, all of them. All the Nightshade Hunters. They think they can get away with anything and everything, butIknow different. Somehow, they will be taken down, they will be stopped.

If I just keep that in the forefront of my mind, then they can’t ruin me. They won’t.

“So, dragon girl,” Madison calls out once she has taken her seat, practically on Digby’s lap. “You think we’re going to see a dragon today? I mean, you should know, right? Since you’re a freak of nature and everything. Half dragon.”