Anger is coursing through my veins after what just happened in there. Echo has always been hard headed and determined, but this affects me so much more. The way he is just fine with allowing Fern to be attacked and targeted, just because she’s been pushed to the outskirts of our tribe because she didn’t shift in time, is a lot to take in.

“It’s going to be okay,” Slane reassures me once we’re far enough away from the alpha. “We will make sure that Fern is alright.”

“Yeah, us and the dragons,” I mutter. Although not as quietly as I had planned because Slane looks at me with interest. “I mean…”

Fuck. I suppose at this point, he has a right to know what’s going on. If he’s going to be involved with Fern, he’ll meet Griffin soon and hear all about Roddrur. It was a massive shock to me, so I just know it’s going to be a horrible surprise to Slane as well. Especially knowing that there is some serious chemistry between Fern and Griffin. It’s almost hard to watch. And I can tell she has feelings for Roddrur too. I haven’t actually seen them together, but it’s in her eyes when she talks about him.

“What do you mean?” Slane asks quietly. “What the hell is going on?”

I let out a sigh before I start talking. “Do you know the Iron Mountain legend about a dragon living in the cave on the other side of Lake Antoine?”

“Yeah.” Slane rolls his eyes. “Of course I know, everyone knows that.”

“Well, it isn’t just a legend. There is a dragon shifter living over there.”

“Seriously?” Slane narrows his eyes curiously at me, going through the same set of emotions I experienced when I first heard this story. “But I thought all the dragons lived in warmer climates than this. I didn’t think they would ever be somewhere like this.”

I nod. “But this dragon comes from the Andredes royalty blood line.”

“Weren’t they all killed off in the last war? Basically a revolt because the dragons didn’t want a royal family anymore?”

“Right, but it seems like the Andredes family didn’t all die. Roddrur is hiding away in that cave with his friend and guard Griffin. And they are very connected to Fern as well.” I wait for him to catch on, but he doesn’t. “As in, romantically connected.”

Slane’s eyebrows knit together. “What the hell are you talking about? There can’t be any romance between them. Dragons and wolves aren’t supposed to—”

“Aren’t supposed to, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen,” I remind him. “I guess it’s one of those things that might be more common than we know. Iron Mountain might not be how the rest of the world is, I don’t know. I just think you should know that this is something we need to be aware of. Griffin is often watching out for Fern too.”

“Am I supposed to be happy about that?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. I don’t love it because I have feelings for Fern as well.” We might as well get everything out in the open. I know he likes Fern and I do as well. There is something electric about her. “It’s just the way things are.”

Slane looks dejected. I feel the same way, but that’s no reason to abandon Fern.

“Look, why don’t I take you over to Fern’s place now so you can talk to her about it?”

“Will I be meeting one of the dragons?” he asks nervously.

“Yeah, maybe,” I admit. “But that might be good for you. I know he is competition, and a dragon, but Griffin is a good guy. You’ll like him.”

Slane eyes me curiously. “And what will you be doing?”

“Well, I haven’t been seeking out anywhere near enough information, so that’s what I’m going to do. I’ll see if I can find something legit so we can get this moving.”

“Good luck with that. It isn’t easy.”

I’m determined though. Having that meeting with Echo has only made me that much more determined to put an end to this shit with the Nightshade Hunters. I have to act, I have to do something.

I take Slane to Fern’s home. Griffin doesn’t seem to be around, which surprises me since he’s at her house a lot. But this is probably for the best. Am I jealous that Slane will get some decent alone time with Fern? Of course. But I know he deserves this, and I know I need to do some actual pack work. I’m jealous, but I also recognize that this isn’t my decision. Fern needs to see all the options she has so she can make the right choice for her. Ultimately, that’s what I want. For Fern to be safe and happy.

Fern lit up when she saw who I brought to visit her. So, she likes him and wants him around. That’s something. I don’t know how Slane will cope with the dragon stuff when it comes down to it, but that’s up to him to work out.

Right now, I have my own stuff to take care of.

* * *

I don’t wantto be at Club Sin in the afternoon, especially since I haven’t spoken to Madison since the last time I was here. But here I am, facing my nightmare, because if she’s still connected to Digby, then she might have some information for me. I might have to confront her in order to better take care of Fern. Not a position I ever thought I would find myself in, but stranger things have happened.