Page 71 of Always Him

I rub at my growling stomach as Finn pulls two bowls down from the cabinet.

Logan meanders over, setting two bowls into the sink, and leans toward me, munching on a piece of bread.

“So…” he says and then lowers his voice. “It’s so good, right?”

I peek over at him and shrug. Because I’m not telling him shit. The nosy bastard. What Finn and I are doing is sacred.

Finn’s eyes catch the movement, and he fumbles with the ladle.

“Oh, come on…. I need someone to share the wonders of the prostate with.”

I roll my eyes at him. He’s trying to fish for answers. I hate fishing, Logan. You know this. Do better.

“Logan,” Theo says, eyeing his boyfriend from the table.

Logan turns his head and lifts his hands as if to saywhat?before moving toward him.

Thank god for Theo. I love my brother and I love that things are better between us now, but shit. I don’t know what I want to share yet. I don’t even know what Finn and I are, to be honest. And I’m not sure how to bring it up either.

I’ll just shove it under the rug, stashing it for later. There are mounds of things under there, waiting to come spilling out. Maybe I’ll go exploring later, really take a good look at what I find.

I glance over at Finn who is texting on his phone, the two bowls of soup forgotten on the counter, and my lips turn down at the corners.

Grabbing the bowl he dished up for me, I glower at him.

“Archer?” I ask and Finn’s eyes meet mine.


“Must besoimportant,” I say childishly, and Finn turns slightly, so I can’t see what he’s typing.

I huff in annoyance, and then lean in a little closer, my words meant only for him. “I just want to remind you that your dick was inmymouth.”

Finn freezes, turning his dark gaze to mine.

“How could I forget?”

“Yes, that’s what I want to know.”

He stuffs his phone into his pocket and then grabs his soup, walking over to the kitchen table. I watch as he sits down, his back to me, feeling suddenly forlorn. But then he tugs the chair out from the table and peeks back at me.

“Get your ass over here, Landon.”

And all is right in the world once more. My mom and dad are discussing adding two apple trees to the backyard, and Logan and Theo are whispering to each other, Theo’s cheeks pink. I turn to my best friend and he smiles softly at me.

“What?” I ask, and he bites down on his bottom lip.

“I like you jealous,” he mutters with a slight smile, and I roll my eyes.

“I’m not jealous.”

He snorts and rips into his bread, ignoring me. But he’s right, of course. I am jealous.

Even more so when we get home after dinner and he tells me that tomorrow morning he will be getting up early to meet Archer for coffee.

At our coffee shop.

“We’re just friends,” he tells me as I curl into him, my face right over his heart. I can hear his heartbeat thudding against my ear, and I clutch onto him tighter.