Page 62 of Always Him

I watch his muscles bunch beneath his shirt as he moves back inside the house.

“I forgot how nice it is to have him around. I forgot he carries all the bags in at once.”

“It’s a skill.”

She closes the trunk and pulls me into her side and squeezes.

“You going to help me make dinner?” she asks.

I shrug. “Depends on what it is.”

“Well, your dad has all these vegetables that are going to go bad, so…soup. I need help chopping.”

Finn is unloading everything in the kitchen when we go inside and I check out his firm, tight ass. Just ogle it for a long minute. Hmm, does he want my tongue up his ass? I’ve never done that before, but maybe he’d want me to. I’ll have to ask. I’d be happy to repay the favor.

He catches me staring and he fumbles with a box of crackers, dropping them onto the counter.

“Shit,” he says and it’s my turn to smirk.

I sidle up to him, brushing against him as often as I can as I help him unpack the groceries. My mom is humming as she moves to the fridge to place the milk inside and grab the veggies, so I take my shot.

“Do you want my tongue up your ass, Finn?” I whisper, and he snaps his gaze to me.

“You did not just ask me that in your mother’s kitchen.”

“Oh, I sure did.” I waggle my eyebrows at him. “You want it, don’t you? Want me to return the favor?”

“What favor?” my mom asks, and Finn blushes the color of the tomatoes on the island next to him.

“Oh, hey guys,” my dad says with a smile as he lumbers inside, Theo following closely behind. “Why’s Finn’s face so red?”

It only makes him blush deeper. Gah, so cute.

“No reason,” he mutters, and I can’t help myself from leaning up and pressing a big kiss to Finn’s lips.

Everyone stills and just blinks at us for a moment. Suddenly Logan slaps his hands together loudly, startling Curie who is licking her paws on the ground. She leaps into the air, glowers at Logan, and then saunters over to her kitty castle and disappears inside.

“I knew it!” Logan says, pointing at us, and then looks over at Theo who has a streak of dirt across his cheek. “Told you! Motherfucking told you all. They’re together!”

He looks around and everyone just continues staring at us.

“We’re not together. We just kiss…among other things,” I say and Finn looks like he’s about to put the plastic grocery bag over his head.

“I’m going to kill you,” he mutters.

“You won’t. You love me. You’d miss me if I was gone.”

“Right, um,” my mom begins and then nudges Finn with her elbow, “help me wash these veggies, and Landon, leave the poor guy alone. Get the knife and chop.”

She eyes my dad and then says, “Pour me a mug, babe. I need all the wine.”

My dad smacks a kiss on her cheek as Vincent bleats forlornly at the sliding glass door.

“Can someone let Vincent in, please,” my dad asks and Theo moves to the door, sliding it open. Vincent bounds in and my dad bends down, making kissy noises at him.

“He’s so lonely, babe,” he tells my mom who just rolls her eyes. “Did you just hear him? He was crying out for a friend.”

“Friend, my ass,” my mom says, and Finn snorts as he washes the vegetables.