Page 35 of Always Him

My dad seems unconcerned but swears us to secrecy before leading us back inside the house. My mom is slurping on her wine, her eyes tracking her husband.

“I know, Basil,” she says ominously, and my dad skids to a stop.

“Know what?” he asks much too innocently. But he’s not fooling anyone. I’m sure he left a browser open with the 4-H website up and my mom has just been waiting to pounce.


My dad shifts nervously on his feet and I just tug Finn towards the stairs.

“Bye Dad, good luck!” I call out as Finn and I walk up the stairs toward my room. It hasn’t changed since high school—posters of bands I liked in high school are still stuck to the walls, pictures of me and Finn line the mirror on the back of my door, and my twin bed with the navy-blue comforter sits below the window.

I close the door and lean against it, breathing a little too heavily for how little exercise I just did. Yeah, I need to get back into running.

“Should we rescue him?” Finn asks, flopping down on my bed.

“He’s a grown man. He can manage,” I say as I move toward Finn, who has his hands behind his head, his thighs spread open. His shirt has ridden up his abdomen a little, showing off his smooth, muscled torso and I run a finger across it.

Finn’s breath hitches as our eyes meet and I fiddle with the button on his jeans.

“Finn, do you really have secrets?”

His eyes close and he nods. “Of course I do. Everyone does.”

“I don’t. I thought we didn’t do secrets.”

“We’re not kids anymore.”

“But, like, what kind of secrets do you have that you feel like you can’t tell me?”

He swallows and shrugs. “Just stuff you don’t need to know.”

I slowly crawl over him, my elbows bracketing his shoulders, my face directly over his.

“I tell you everything. You know everything about me.”

“I’m sure that’s not true.”

The tip of my nose touches his.

“It is. You’ve seen me at my worst. You’ve seen everything, and it hurts to know that maybe I haven’t seen the entirety of you. Like maybe I don’t know you as well as I thought.”

His eyes pop open and we just stare at each other, gazing into each other’s depths.

“I can’t,” he breathes. “I can’t tell you everything.”

My thumbs smooth over his cheeks.

“Why not?”

“It would change…it would change everything.”

My entire body freezes as I watch him.

“What would change, Finn?”

He doesn’t answer, just watches me intently. Aggravating man.

I press my lips to his, and his hands move to my back, whispering across my skin.