Page 32 of Always Him

Finn’s entire body stiffens beneath me and I smother a laugh.

“So…” Logan says, his chin resting on Theo’s shoulder. “Before you got here, Dad was talking about going camping with us.”

“I don’t know why he always suggests camping. He hates that shit,” I say and Finn laughs because we all know how much Dad hates bugs. You’d think he’d be used to them by now, working in the garden all the time. But you should hear him scream every time a grasshopper flies out of the bushes. And don’t even get him started on snakes. He vacillates between wanting to kill them and save them. He spends a lot of time crying over that shit. We’ve had many philosophical discussions over it. Usually when he’s high, of course.

“He was going on and on about it. You should have heard Mom,” Logan chuckles. “She was allwe have a fucking goat, Basil.”

“We could bring him,” I suggest, and then watch as Theo sets one of his mugs down and starts working on the other. Apparently, he’s decided to get a little loose for my brother. Good for him. At least someone is getting some around here.

“He’d eat the tent. He already ate part of Mom’s comforter,” Logan says.

“He does look a little fat,” I say, leaning back against Finn, who isn’t touching me like he usually does. Normally, his hand slides up my shirt and lands on the bare skin of my stomach. I love it when he does it, and it feels weird and wrong now that he isn’t.

Is he still trying to get me back for earlier? Because if so, I’m over it.

Stop being a sore loser, Finn.

Grabbing his hand, I pull it against my abdomen and his fingers flex against my sweatshirt. I wiggle in his lap and he sighs, resigned to his fate. Good, Finn, take a nice long look. I’m done playing these games. I take what I want.

“Probably needs to go on a diet. Cut down on the inanimate objects,” Logan snorts and then asks, “Hey, so you remember Paulina?”

“Yeah, your friend from high school, right?” I reply.

“Yeah, so she’s having a party tomorrow night. You guys wanna go?”

I glance back at Finn and shrug. “Sure. Sounds like fun.”

“Cool,” Logan says and then shifts Theo on his lap. “I can’t wait to show off my man.” His hand slips under Theo’s shirt and Logan presses his face into the side of his neck. “You’re so fucking hot. Everyone is going to be so jealous.”

Theo mutters under his breath and then tugs his hood over his head, disappearing inside of it.

“Stop it, Logan,” he mutters but my brother just tugs the hood off and shakes his head.

“No more disappearing or I’ll cut that hood clean off. Don’t make me shred your clothes, Theo. Although, that won’t be a hardship. Actually, you know what, keep trying to hide. I’ll enjoy stripping you down.”

Theo flushes as he gapes at his boyfriend.

“Oh my god,” he whispers and sinks back against Logan, trying to disappear into the shadows, but Logan just chuckles lowly and nibbles his way up his neck. Theo shudders against him, craning his neck a little, obviously loving the attention.

And meanwhile, here is fucking Finn, sitting still as a damn statue behind me. I wiggle on his lap.

“You’re being weird.”

“No, I’m not.”

I snatch his hand, lift up my sweatshirt, and slap it right against my skin.

Finn shifts beneath me, and I lean back and whisper, “Touch me like you want to.”

His hand slides up my chest and I instantly relax.

“Like this?”

I shift on his lap, pressing my face into his neck.

“Yeah. Just like that.”

In the distance, I can hear Logan and Theo whispering, but right now all I can feel is Finn against me, his hand traveling across my chest, grazing my nipple, his face tucked into my hair. This is more like it. This, right here. I need this.