Page 31 of Always Him

My mom sighs heavily from the kitchen and gives herself a heavy pour as my dad pulls me into a hug.

“She wants to kill all my happiness and dreams. We’ll just ignore her. How’s it going, bud?” he asks, ruffling my hair a bit.

I glance over at Finn and see him watching me and my eyes inadvertently drift down to his mouth. I bite down on my lower lip and his cheeks flush red.

“It’s going really good, Dad.”

“Good. Good,” he says and then reaches to grab a mug from my mom. “God, I’m so glad you’re all here. Nothing makes me happier,” he says and then sniffles a little. Which only gets my brother going as well.

The two of them really like putting on the waterworks. It’s like the Bellagio Fountain in here. All we need are some lights and a classic Cher song to complete it.

“Stop that, Dad. Gonna make me cry,” Logan says, swiping at his eyes.

“Can’t stop,” my dad mutters.

Theo gulps down some wine as he watches us all. He still seems a little unsure about us, but I think we’re managing to pull him over to the dark side. I think the kitty palace helped. Curie adores my dad, and it doesn’t seem like she gives that out freely.

Logan pulls Theo into his side, nuzzling his face into his neck and sliding one of his hands into the back pocket of his jeans.

“So, you two are staying here for the week?” I ask my brother as I move toward Finn and lean into his side.

“Yep, we are,” Logan says, grabbing onto a mug full of wine. He takes a sip of it, grimaces, and hands it to Theo who now has one mug in each hand.

“I don’t know if I can drink all of this,” Theo hisses.

“You can. Mmm,” Logan growls. “Yeah, Theo. Drink all of it. Get all fucking loose for me.”

Theo’s cheeks flame.

“What is it with you guys and the sexual innuendos?” Finn mutters, and I roll my lips between my teeth, resisting a laugh.

Logan chuckles a little and then nods to the sliding glass door.

“You guys want to sit outside? We have the fire going,” Logan says.

I glance over at my mom and dad and see they’re still working on dinner and, at the moment, seem to be having a very serious conversation about growing vines in the backyard.

I have a feeling my mom is going to put her foot down, but then again, my dad has a way of convincing her to do what he wants. I get that ability from him. I have my ways of persuading Finn to do what I want. I can persuade him all day long.

Watch out, Finn.

“We’re going to be outside, guys,” I tell them.

My mom nods, waving us away and we all step outside into the cold night air, Vincent trotting along after us. We all gravitate toward the warmth of the fire pit on the deck and take our seats. Vincent prances off into the backyard, probably going to find something else to consume.

Situated around the fire are plenty of chairs for us each to have our own, but Logan just pulls Theo down onto his lap. I follow Finn to an empty chair, waiting for him to sit down, and then I wait some more for him to pull me down on top of him like he usually does, but when he doesn’t, my eyes narrow.

“Are you for real?” I hiss and Finn leans back, his legs spread, his hands clutching the arms of the chair.

He smirks slightly at me.

“Oh, I see, you’re mad. Punishing me,” I say, plopping down on top of him. Anoofescapes him as he adjusts me on his lap, and I nip at his chin.

“Stop punishing me for winning. I had to play dirty because you’re bigger than me.”

“I can’t believe you did that.”

“Believe it, Finn. I would have gone all the way too. I have nothing against anal.”