Page 27 of Always Him

I lean against the car, just watching him with a dopey smile on my face.

“What, what’s the look for?” he asks, moving toward me. He stops right in front of me and his hand reaches out, tucking a piece of my wayward hair behind my ear.

“I just like watching you.”

He exhales slowly and then steps a little closer to me.

And that’s when I notice it, a low buzzing in my ear. My eyes dart around and I see a bee floating near us and I lean farther away, not wanting to get stung. I’m not allergic, but those little fuckers hurt.

“Damn thing,” Finn mutters, swatting at it.

“Don’t kill the bee!” I say, grabbing his flapping hand. “We need them. They pollinate shit. We’re one squished bee away from a dystopian future!”

Finn’s eyes meet mine and then roll. “Is that so?”

“Yes,” I sniff. “And my cousin would be offended if you offed one of them.”

“He’d never know.”

“Heknows,” I say, the bee still happily buzzing around us.

“Fucker. I thought they were in hibernation this time of year,” Finn mutters and I laugh. “Just let me kill it.”

I grab onto his hands and pull them into my chest.

“It will lose interest and fly away.”

“But what if it stings you?”

“I’ll survive.”

His eyes meet mine and we just stare at each other for a long-drawn-out moment.

“You must smell good or something,” he says and I tilt my head, exposing my neck to him.

“Take a whiff and see, Finn. Do I smell sweet?”

Finn’s eyes darken as he leans forward, his nose drifting across my skin, and my entire body tingles.

He comes to a stop with us nose to nose, his lips so fucking close.

“What’s the verdict?”

“Smell the same to me.”

“Maybe I taste sweet,” I say. “Maybe you should check.”

It’s a joke, a teasing comment that usually gets Finn blushing, but instead of leaning back like he normally would, he moves closer.

“Maybe I should,” he whispers.

My breath stutters out of me because, shit, when has Finn ever played along?

His lips brush over mine and I completely stop breathing. My lungs burn as his tongue snakes out and traces the seam of my lips.

The bee’s buzzing has faded away and all I can hear is the sound of the wind whipping around us and my heart pounding in my chest.

My tongue sneaks out, the tip touching his, and his eyes close as he slants his mouth over mine, gently, slowly, like he’s savoring this.