Page 18 of Always Him

“He plays the flute to his pumpkin patch and covers himself in bees.”

“Yes,” I say with a sniff. “So?”

Finn shakes his head, grabbing onto the bag and stuffing the herb bundle into it, and then pulls me back into his side.

“Jesus, Landon. Sometimes I don’t know if you’re fucking with me or what. I swear to god.”

I lean my head against his shoulder and smile up at him. “When we’re eighty years old, you’ll finally come to terms with the fact that I am positively serious about everything.”

His hand tightens against me as he clears his throat. “Alright, let’s get those pastries for your parents and then head back.”

“You’re ready to rub that lotion on me, aren’t you? You’re dying to smooth it into my skin.”

“Not fucking likely. I’m not touching that shit.”

“Oh, but you so are.”

He gently nudges me forward and we end up in front of the stand that sells pastries. Vincent starts nibbling on the tablecloth and I bend down to try and extricate it from his teeth.

“Sorry about him,” Finn tells the brunette girl behind the table.

I glance up and see her face slowly turn beet red as she fiddles with a lock of her hair. She’s obviously noticed how hot Finn is. I mean, it’s impossible not to notice. He’s like the twinkling lights of Vegas in the vast barren desert. He’s gorgeous.

Finn is seemingly oblivious to her simpering, though. He just points to the display case and asks for two raspberry cheese Danishes.

She fumbles with the tongs and drops the bag, but Finn doesn’t even seem to notice her bungling. He’s intently watching me, still unsuccessfully trying to get Vincent to stop eating the tablecloth. There’s now a large gaping hole in the fabric.

“Here,” Finn says and then bends and picks up Vincent, who goes willingly and happily. I don’t blame him; they’re nice arms to be wrapped up in. I’m mildly jealous of the goat now.

The sight of Finn holding the tiny goat only makes the girl behind the table sputter and practically drool, her eyes shooting heart emojis. For a moment, I’m annoyed because really, have some decorum and stop ogling him. We could be a couple. We’re not, obviously, but she doesn’t know that. Just plain rude.

I snatch the bag of pastries from her and wrap my arm around Finn’s waist.

Her eyes swivel down to where we connect and then dart away.

Yes, well, good. Finn doesn’t like people staring.

“Ready?” I ask and as Finn glances down at me, I can’t help myself. I lean up and kiss his cheek.

Vincent takes this opportunity to latch onto and nibble the hemp necklace around my throat, and I gently swat him away.

My god, this goat needs a hobby. Maybe I should buy him a pacifier.

“Yeah, let’s go before he starts eating shit he shouldn’t,” Finn says, setting Vincent down away from the table, and handing me the leash.

“Where have you been? That ship has sailed.”

“Smart ass,” he says and then leads us back into the crowd.

“You love me.”

He glances down at me, biting on the inside of his cheek, repressing a smile.

“Yeah, Landon. I do.”
