Page 16 of Always Him

“Say you’re sorry,” he says, his voice low and rough.

“Make me.”

He grunts and then sits up, his cheeks flushed and his hair mussed. I want to run my hands through it, tug on the strands and pull him closer, but I can’t. He’s grabbed onto both of my hands, holding them tightly above my head.

“We’re going to be late,” he says. “And you know how your dad gets when we’re late to the farmer’s market.”

I blink up at him and our gazes lock. For a few seconds, we just stare at each other and I feel my chest constrict.

“It’s your fault. You wanted to wrestle instead of shower. I’ll just blame you,” I manage to say.

“You were the one spending hours getting off.”

I snort and Finn smiles down at me. “Correction. I didn’t get off. It was an attempt and a poor one at that. Very disappointing.”

Finn lets go of my hands and they flop to my sides, curling into the sheets beneath.

“I’m going to shower and then we’re going to go, and if you’re lucky, we’ll have time to stop for coffee.”

I flutter my lashes at him and run a finger up his arm. “Like you wouldn’t stop for me anyways.”

He huffs and begins to extricate himself from me, but I lean forward and grasp the back of his head, pulling his lips to mine.

It’s a quick smack and Finn sighs loudly.

“Done now?” he asks, and I flop down on the bed once more, staring at the ceiling.

“Yeah, I’ll be ready by the time you’re done.”

“Not fucking likely.”

* * *

“You’re late!” Dad says, rounding his table piled high with baskets of vegetables. He’s an older version of my big brother, all wide shoulders and thick arms. And a fucking goof to the core. My dad stumbles a little on the leg of the table and jostles my cup of coffee as he crushes me to his large chest in a hug. I mutter “careful” under my breath because as much as Finn threatened to not stop and get me coffee—to try and punish me for just lounging about naked after he got out of the shower—he stopped and got me fucking coffee. Do I know him, or do I know him?

“Sorry, sorry,” my dad mutters and then moves to hug Finn. “I thought you were bailing.”

My mom eyes the two of us and smirks. “He kept going on and on about it. Practically wrote you out of the will.”

Dad glances over at Mom and waggles his finger at her. “I wasn’t that dramatic and you were going on about it too. You were doubting their love for us. You know how I feel about the farmer’s market.”

“Yeah, yeah, it’s some kind of religious experience for you. But we’re here so stop being so ridiculous,” I say, leaning into Finn. “Plus if it’s anyone’s fault that we’re late, it’s Finn’s. He took for-fucking-ever getting ready.”

Finn’s hand tightens on my waist and I grin up at him.

“Somehow I don’t believe that,” my dad says and then shakes his head. “Never mind, no time for chatting right now. I have customers! And I need you to watch Vincent. He keeps eating the vegetables.”

“Seriously?” I look down at the goat and notice he does look a little rounder. He just blinks those weird goat eyes up at me, innocent as a fucking baby.

I don’t trust this one. He’s nefarious. Has all sorts of secret plans.

“Yes, he has no manners.” My dad leans down a little and his words come out a little higher. “You’re a hungry bug, huh? Just so fucking hungry….”

Finn arches an eyebrow at me and I bite back a laugh. We’ve both heard my dad talking to the animals on numerous occasions. They’re his best friends. “Anyway, he ate like the entire basket of zucchini, and they’re my best sellers this time of year. So I need you to occupy him before he makes off with my asparagus.”

I grab the leash from my dad and the goat bleats loudly as an older couple makes their way up to the table.

“Go shop and then bring me one of those pastries I love. Actually, two. One for your mom.”