Page 116 of Always Him


I spendthe rest of the day trying to remember that missing piece, and come up empty each time. It’s right there on the tip of my proverbial tongue and I can’t quite get it to materialize.

I say goodbye to my family as they leave, and with a frustrated sigh, I limp to the bathroom. Finn tries to follow me, but I wave him off, feeling the start of a headache coming on and just feeling defeated.

I’m going to make Finn tell me when I get out of the shower. He’s going to tell me everything. I can’t stand this anymore.

But in the meantime, I’m just going to sit on this fucking shower chair and mope.

I stare down at my residual limb and rub at my thigh, smearing soap into my skin.

And then it happens.

One second I’m watching the soap cascade down me toward the drain and the next second the flood of last week infiltrates my mind. It happens so quickly that I nearly slide off the chair and onto the floor of the tub, busting my head open again.

“Finn!” I shout and he comes barging in, his chest heaving, his eyes wild and I just stare at him.


His lips, his hands, his cock. Everything about him.

How he’s mine and I’m his. How we areus.


God, what it must have been like for him. To have me and then to have it ripped away.

My body is choked with sobs as I reach for him. He stood by me even knowing I couldn’t remember what we had.

“I remember,” I cry.

He staggers, his hands trembling as he clasps onto the counter.

“You remember?” he asks, his voice cracking.

“I remember everything,” I breathe, tears streaming down my cheeks. “It just took me a bit but of course I’ll always remember you, Finn,” I say, and then hold out my arms and he rushes to me, pulling me into him and, wrapping me in his arms, sinking to the floor.

“Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you say something? Why did you make me wait?” I gasp, touching him, pressing my lips to his skin.

“I didn’t want you to be with me because you thought you had to…”

“Jesus Christ, Finn. Always the martyr…. Of course I want to be with you. Something was off this whole time, and no one said a word!”

I’m getting angry and at the same time, I’m just so fucking relieved. Now I know what was missing.

Now, I know.

“I’m sorry. Forgive me,” he gasps. “Forgive me, Landon.”

“Of course, I forgive you,” I reply and Finn just shudders against me, my neck growing wet from his tears.

“Tell me what you remember,” he says.

“Kissing you, touching you, fucking you…. everything.”

He lets out a choked sob. “Do you remember Carmel?”

I blink, letting those memories come to me slowly.