Page 106 of Always Him



I’ve never had somuch sex in my life. It’s like Finn’s completely let loose. He made fun of that gallon-sized lube I got, but we went through most of it. When we weren’t walking along the beach or eating, he had me inside the hotel room, fucking me in all the positions he’s always wanted to try on me.

And I was a happy, willing participant.

My boyfriend is a sex maniac, and I am positively in love.

We made it home late last night and Finn fucked me against a wall, in too much of a hurry to even take my clothes off, and this morning, he entered me while I was half asleep.

Let me tell you…this is the best way to wake up.

But now the bubble has burst because Finn is leaving me alone for the next hour or so to meet up with Archer.

Fucking Archer. The guy Finn still texted on our weekend away. Not often, but enough to make me squirm.

“Do you really have to go meet him?” I ask, looking at Finn who is stroking my cheek so tenderly.

“Yeah, I want to…. I like talking with him. We’re just friends,” he says, reminding me. And I need reminding. I’ve come to realize I’m extremely possessive and jealous. I don’t want to share him. Not for a single minute.

I guess I’ve always been like this with Finn, but now I’ve gone and taken it to a whole new level. Finn is allowed to have friends outside of me. I know this logically, but still, I feel this rage inside of me at the thought of him with someone so…

“Stop it,” he says, cupping the back of my neck, reading my mind. “Don’t even go there.”

I feel bashful for even thinking what I was about to think.

“I know…” I groan. “I’m working on it. I just don’t understand why these chats with him are so secretive. It makes me insecure that I don’t know what you guys talk about.”

I blink up at him, putting my bottom lip out and Finn rolls his eyes.

“It’s just…fuck, it’s too embarrassing,” he says and I sit up in bed, my ass twinging from the movement.

“Why is it embarrassing?” I ask, now desperate to know.

“Because…” he runs a hand down his face. “Because I only ever talk aboutyou.”

He peeks up at me and then rolls his eyes once more when he sees me smiling.

“What? What about me?” I ask.

“When Archer and I first reconnected, I just needed someone to talk to about you and me…”

I scoot over until I’m draped across Finn’s lap.

“I just needed advice because I was so confused after that first kiss. The one on New Year’s. And I couldn’t tell Logan.”

I snort. “Yeah, good thinking.”

Finn runs a hand through my hair and I arch into his touch. “I just…fuck, I just needed to process it all with someone. I’ve been…I’ve beenpiningover you for years, Landon, and suddenly you started kissing me all the time like you wanted me too. It kind of messed with my head. You have to understand that I just needed to talk.”

I get it, I do, but I still ask, “Why didn’t you just tell me?”

His hand tightens in my hair and I groan, loving how rough he can get with me. Just throw me around the room, Finn.

“I didn’t want to lose you. I was scared.”

“Oh, Finn. You’ll never lose me. I will always be yours.”