Page 103 of Always Him

I roll my eyes slowly, and then I do it again so he can really see it.

“Of course I’m serious. I’m slightly upset you’ve been keeping this a secret. First, the fact that you’re pan, and now this.”

“Well, I didn’t know…how could I have known how you’d take it?” he asks sounding exasperated. But really, he has no right. Mr. Secret Keeper.

“You could have asked me.”

“And risked it, our friendship? Risk everything? I couldn’t do that.”

My eyes fill with tears as I stare at him, my best friend, my man, mine.

“You’d never lose me, Finn. You’re my heart. You’re a part of me. I might have been confused back then, but I would have come around. I know it. I justknowit.”

His Adam’s apple bobs, and he grabs onto the back of my neck, pulling me in for a long, bruising kiss. And when we finally pull apart, he rests his forehead against mine.

“Well, now you know. So there it is. I’ve wanted you for years.”

“Okay, okay, yes, but do you have any more secrets in there, Finn? Anything you want to tell me?”

He shifts, and I lean toward him, poking him in the chest.

“Tell me. I want to know everything.”

“When we get back. I’ll tell you everything. Anything you want to know.”

I flag down our waiter. I want to go back to the room now. I’m desperate for answers.

* * *

Finn carries me most of the way. I wasn’t joking. I am stuffed.

“You weren’t kidding.”

“I never kid about food,” I say as Finn sets me on the counter in the hotel room bathroom.

He turns on the fancy tub faucet, testing the temperature and I throw my shirt off, ready to be naked. Ready to be wrapped up in him.

“Oh, use that bubble bath shit…. Yes, that one. It smells so good.”

Finn squirts a liberal amount into the water, and I watch as bubbles bloom beneath the stream of water.

“Oh god, I can’t wait,” I groan, trying to work my pants off, but failing. I am too full to move, so I wait for Finn to strip me down, pulling my prosthetic off and setting me on the edge of the tub. I slide my foot inside the hot water and hiss.

“This is extra hot. Are you trying to boil me like a potato?” I tell Finn, but my words trail off when I see him strip down. Who cares if my skin melts off? I just want to straddle him and let our dicks slide together. Dick soup it is.

“Grab the lube, Finn.”

He freezes, one of his legs still in his pants.


“Grab the fucking lube and set it right here. We may need it once I can breathe and move without wanting to die. I have one leg. Don’t make me beg.”

Finn complies because he secretly wants it too. He wants me bad.

When he finally sinks down in the hot water, his muscular arms on either side of the tub, I lower myself onto him, my thighs straddling his, my arms wrapped around his neck.

“Damn, this feels good,” I say. “That lavender soap is really helping my sore muscles.”