Page 99 of Always Him

He throws himself into my arms and clutches onto me as if we’ve been apart for years instead of just two weeks. I hold him against my chest, lifting him off the ground, tucking my face into his neck and inhaling.

God, he smells like home.

“Finn, you’re early,” he says, with a small laugh. “I thought I wouldn’t see you until tonight.”

“I ditched class,” I tell him, still not removing my face from his neck, my lips brushing against the skin there.

“Don’t do that. Don’t do that for me. You have to pass your classes….”

But doesn’t he see? I’d move heaven and earth for him. I’d die for him. What’s a missed class or two?

“It’ll be fine. I just missed you,” I admit, pulling away and Landon grabs onto my cheeks, pressing a kiss to my forehead. I can see people staring, but I don’t care. I’m just so fucking happy I’m here. With him.

“Come on. Let’s go back to my dorm and hang out and you can tell me all about what happened this week…”

I open my mouth to respond that we talk every night. He already knows everything that’s happened. In great, mundane detail.

“Okay, fine, we don’t even need to talk. You can just hang with me. Hold me. Whisper sweet nothings in my ear.”

I snort and set him onto the ground, wanting to carry him to my car in my arms, but resisting the temptation. He’s not my boyfriend. He’ll never be mine.

He’s just my best friend. I have to remember that.

“Hey, Landon,” a female voice says behind me, and my hands slip to my sides as I take her in. Curvy, soft, pretty. So different than me, all sharp angles and gruff.

Right, yes. He loves me. I know he does, but not likethat. Never like that.

And when he tells me later that the girl who said hello is someone he’s been with…well, my heart just shrivels a little more. But I’m used to it, the pinching in my chest. I shove it aside with all the other little pains.

Because this is enough. I’m lucky I have him in my life at all.

I’ll take what I can get.



I’m bouncingin my seat as we approach Carmel, the city by the sea. It was about a two-hour drive from Santa Cruz, and I’m itching to get out of the car and onto Finn.

And I mean that literally. I want to be on him. With himinme.

Not that he’d let me. Party pooper. He’s already telling me to keep my hands to myself. I even offered a blow job while he was driving and he just shot me this look. He was not convinced by the waggling of my eyebrows either.

No fun, Finn.

“We already had sex this morning,” he mutters, and I roll my eyes because why the fuck is he reading my mind?

“You are an old man. Guys in their twenties are supposed to want to fuck all the time. Like every hour.”

“And I gave you a blow job behind the gas station. Wasn’t that enough?”

“Pfft, like that counts. I mean, it was good, but my ass is empty, Finn. Empty. Squatters have moved in.”

Finn just eyes me, his lip twitching. “Fine, I’ll wreck that ass when we get to the hotel room.”

“God, yes please,” I say, feeling better already. “Wreck it and then feed me. I’m hungry.”

Finn pulls into a parking spot behind the hotel, and I scramble out of the car, adjusting my hard dick as I grab my bag, which Finn promptly pulls from my hand.