Page 97 of Always Him

“Yeah, yeah. I know,” he grumbles, pulling Theo into his arms and burying his face in his neck. “Theo can protect me.”

Theo’s cheeks darken in embarrassment, but he still leans into Logan and slides his hand across Logan’s arm.

So fucking cute, the way they touch, how they’re so comfortable with each other.

“Anyway, after the escape room I thought we could do some archery lessons,” Finn adds.

I gasp because Finn knows how much I’ve always wanted to do this.

“Are you for real?” I ask, excitement lacing my voice.

“Yeah, well, you’ve mentioned it a few times.”

“By a few, you mean every month,” Logan replies and I send him a glower. Because doesn’t he understand? Archery is sexy, and now that I’ve had Finn, I can imagine him standing there, bow pulled wide, his muscles bunching…his dick pressed against his pants.

Hmm, yes, his dick.

“You mock me, Logan,” I reply, forcing my mind away from Finn’s private parts. “But just think about Theo with a bow and arrow in his arms….”

Logan mulls that over for a second and then shoots me a finger gun.

“Genius. I bet you’ll get all super smart and competitive, Theo. Right?” he says to his boyfriend who just sinks further into Logan, trying to disappear entirely.

“You kind of look like an elf with those pretty eyes and your long legs,” Logan adds and Theo mutters under his breath as my mom snorts loudly.

“Jesus, you guys,” she begins but is interrupted when my dad holds up a finger and shouts, “Elves! Yes! Ooh! Hold that thought! I have a thing.”

He disappears into the house in a flurry of bumbling steps, Vincent trotting along after him.

“What’s he going to do?” I ask and my mom just shakes her head.

“Oh, I have an idea. Jesus, take the wheel. I need more wine.”

A few minutes later my dad comes stumbling out wearing some kind of Renaissance costume, looking like motherfucking Robin Hood. He even has the boots and the hood.

Logan gasps in delight and I just giggle at how ridiculous he looks. Because he does. He looks fucking silly.

“Guys, look! I can wear this when we shoot arrows!” he says as Vincent bleats loudly in agreement. “It would be so cool! I’m so cool!”

“Oh, you so should,” I tell him as Finn’s body shakes beneath me in laughter.

“Where did you get that, Basil?” Theo asks, genuinely curious. “Did you wear it for Halloween?”

“Pfft, Halloween. No, I worked at a Renaissance fair one year. It’s so cool, right?” he bounces on his feet looking at us and my mom just arches an eyebrow in his direction. “Your mom is pretending like she’s annoyed and embarrassed, but I know she really wants to take me inside and rip this off of me. Wore this once when we…”

“Basil Lewis, do not utter another word,” my mom snaps and then blushes deeply. “Although I’m not sure they don’t deserve it. Not with the shit that’s been going down lately.”

“She found the clamps,” Logan tells Theo who just about dissolves into the patio. Poor guy. He’s in it now. No escaping this family once we have our claws in you.

“Well, I’m going to wear it when we go. We can all dress up! We could be like the dudes fromLord of the Rings,” my dad adds and looks to Finn for confirmation. “Fool of a Took! You shall not pass!”

Finn just stays silent, eyeing my dad with mirth. But my dad bounces on his feet some more, not deterred by the silence. No, he’s steadfast. He’s the ultimate nerd.

“I’ll text you about it, Finn. I’ll wear you down. I know you want to.”

Finn snorts as my dad fiddles with his leather belt. “You know, I could probably craft some kind of holder for the arrows…could be really authentic.”

He pretends to grab some arrows from his back and shoot them at random targets throughout the yard while everyone just blinks at him.