Page 94 of Always Him

So I distract myself by pressing my lips to his.

“I could be persuaded to keep my mouth shut…”

But before I can finish my sentence, he’s tugging me to the end of the bed, throwing me over his shoulder, and carrying me to the bathroom where he washes me very,verythoroughly.

Thank fuck for the shower chair. Can really get in some good angles. And Finn is very creative with his tongue.



Now that Finn has me,his texts to Archer are few and far between. But they still happen. And it bugs me more than it should.

Because really, why does he feel the need to keep that gorgeous anomaly around when I’m riding his cock every day? Twice a day, if I can convince Finn to let me sit on him.

Which, I usually can.

To be honest, Finn is a total pushover when it comes to me. I’ve realized this in the past three days. I just need to pull my pants down and he’s on me.

“What are you doing?” I ask, peeking over Finn’s shoulder, trying to see what the fuck he’s doing. But his shoulders are so broad I can’t really make out what’s going on over there and every time I try to glance around the side, Finn shifts his body so I can’t see.

His thumbs are still on his screen as he glances over his shoulder at me. Logan and Theo are in the greenhouse with my dad helping him weed and my mom is in the backyard with Vincent, leaving just Finn and me inside the house with the cat.

Curie is watching this entire exchange from her perch in the kitty lodge.

She’s currently licking her paw and eyeing us with glee, probably relishing in my breaking heart.

What a soulless creature wrapped in a cute package.

“Nothing,” he replies, and I bite down on his shoulder just hard enough to show him I mean business. But that doesn’t stop him. Nope, he keeps on clacking away, ignoring me.

And dammit, my insecurities come rearing their ugly heads.

One leg. Not whole. Disabled. Burden. Not good enough.

“Why are you texting him when you have me?” I ask softly and Finn turns so quickly I stumble back into the kitchen counter, losing my balance.

His hands reach out and grasp onto me, pulling me against his chest.

“For fuck’s sake, Landon,” he mutters, his fingers threading through my hair, tilting my face up to meet his gaze. “Archer and I are friends and I was…shit, I was planning a trip for us. Which would have been a surprise if you weren’t so fucking persistent and nosy.”

I blink up at him trying to hold it back, but my grin breaks through and I wiggle against him.

“A trip?”

“God, yes. A trip. You mentioned it the other day and Archer recommended a place….”

My eyebrows meet my hairline, not expecting that. “He did?”

“Yes, because we’refriends. And he’s happy for us. I’ve told you about Archer and what he is to me a thousand times.”

I snort. “You told me exactlynever, Finn.”

“I’ve told you at least once.”

I roll my eyes and then press small kisses to his neck. “So, what trip are you planning?”

“I’m not telling you anything else.”