Page 5 of Always Him

His dark chocolate-brown eyes meet mine and he smirks.

And just because I can—because why the fuck not? —I press my lips to his. It’s a short, gentle peck and then I pull back.

Finn’s body tenses under me, his eyes widening slightly, and my eyebrows meet in question.

“Do you hate it? Kissing me?” I ask, trying to read the look in his eyes.

His gaze moves away from mine, focusing on the ceiling, and he sighs, his body deflating and relaxing a bit.

“No. It’s…fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, Landon. I’m sure.”

I smile widely and then roll off of him.

“Good, because I’ll be doing it all the time now probably.”

Finn throws an arm across his eyes and huffs a little, shaking his head. “God help me.”

“No one can help you now. You know how it is with this family. Once we claim you, you’re ours,” I reply as I reach for my prosthetic, but before I can put it on, Finn is in front of me, squatting down a little.

“Hell no,” he says, his arms spreading wide.

I know exactly what he wants. I wrap my arms and leg around him and he picks me up, his hands on my ass, jostling me slightly as he gets me situated against him.

Look, he doesn’t need to do this, but I let him anyways. It reminds me of how he would carry me around during my recovery, how gentle he was with me. Through the trauma of losing my leg, I craved his touch, those moments he’d cradle me in his arms.

We move into the bathroom and he sets me on the cool countertop as I reach for my toothbrush.

He stays beside me, my thigh hitting his hip as we brush our teeth, and when we’re done, Finn helps me stand. With my hands clasped onto the counter behind me, he tugs my boxers down.

“Shower and then coffee?” he asks, helping me hop to the tub. Inside is a shower chair that has saved me on multiple occasions. Who knew these things existed until I needed one?

Not me, that’s who.

“Yeah, and food. Feed me, Finn. I’m getting hangry,” I say, and he smirks at me.

I lean against his chest as he turns on the shower, testing the water with his hand until it runs warm. My palm moves across his bare stomach, and I feel the muscles ripple and tighten under my touch.

I love it, how smooth and strong he is.

“Alright, in you go,” he says, helping me onto the shower chair. “I’ll get your prosthetic.”

“No need, you can just carry me everywhere, Finn. Wear me like a backpack,” I say with a wink.

He rolls his eyes and then without another word, he slides the shower curtain in place, leaving me to wash alone.

For a moment, I just sit there, remembering the days he’d shower with me. He was never fully naked, but he’d hold me from behind, his hands sliding the soap along the planes of my body.

I wish he’d come back in and do it again, but I know that would probably be too much to ask. I’m capable of doing all of this stuff myself now. I live here by myself most of the time, after all. Finn just seems to enjoy helping me, and I’ll be honest, I love all the attention. I’m a slut for it, as you can tell.

But I don’t want to push my luck, so I quickly wash myself and get out of the shower on my own. I use the counter to balance myself as I dry off and hop to the door. When I fling it open and see Finn standing on the other side, his arms folded across his chest and his eyebrow arched at me, I just roll my eyes.

“I don’t need you to cart me around like an invalid. This is the twenty-first century. I have a very high-tech and expensive prosthetic I can wear.”

“Yes, well, you told me not to bring your prosthetic and I didn’t want you to slip and die trying to hop around on one fucking leg.”