Page 104 of Always Him

“That’s all horseshit, you know this.”

“I know nothing of the sort, Finn,” I say wiggling against him, our cocks brushing against each other.

“Finn,” I say gently. “I want you to tell me all your secrets now. Everything you’ve kept locked away from me.”

His hands clench against the lip of the tub and he swallows. “Tell me what you want to know.”

I wiggle against him.

“I want to know the first thing you thought when you saw me. It was at school, right? Your first day when you walked home with Logan and me?”

He nods, just once.

“Tell me, what did you think when you first saw me?”

“That you were so beautiful,” he says. “I couldn’t believe you were real.”

I press soft kisses along his jaw. “I thought you were so handsome. And when you held my hand…god, that shocked me.”

“Fuck. Your hands,” he groans, bringing my fingers up his mouth and kissing each one. “I’ve been obsessed with them for years. Your fingers. Your palms. I want them on me always.”

“Well, you can have them. Anytime you want,” I say and then lean into him. “Tell me more. What do you love about me?”

“Everything.” It’s so simple. So definite. And I believe it.

“Everything?” I ask.

“Yes. Anything that is Landon, I love. I’ve loved you from the moment I met you.”

“Even with a missing leg?”

“Yes. Of course. Nothing could make me feel any differently about you.”

“Are you in love with me, Finn?” I ask.

He swallows and nods. “I am. Absolutely.”

“Mmm, good. Because I’m in love with you too.”

His eyes flash and I press a kiss to those lips I adore. “I think I always have been. I just didn’t realize that’s what it was.”

He lets out a shaky exhale and I nuzzle his jaw.

“We’re going to get married, Finn, you know that, right?”

His hands tighten against my back and he holds me to him.

“Fuck, I hope so.”

I look up at him and I bite down on his chin.

“We’ll plan the wedding later, but Finn, I have to know…have you jacked off to thoughts of me?” I ask and his cheeks flush. Which is silly really, there is nothing to be ashamed about. It’s a compliment.


“For how long?”
