Page 95 of Lex

We lie like that for a while, his cock still buried inside of me, our sweaty bodies plastered against each other.

Finally, he sighs and pulls out of me. “We should go see Martha and Vikki. Maybe take them out for a healthy afternoon snack.”

I groan, not wanting to move. I just want to fuck him again, to forget what happened last night. To pretend for a moment that my grandma is still alive.

But I know we can’t do that. That’s not how life works. And now Lex is looking at me with puppy dog eyes and I cave. He’s right, I’ll probably never say no to him.

“Let’s shower and then we can go.”

* * *

“I am showing restraint,” Martha exclaims, only pouring three packets of sugar into her passion fruit iced tea. “Just for you.”

Lex rolls his eyes and leans into me. He broke down once on the way over to pick them up but managed to dry his eyes as soon as we arrived. And now we are at a Starbucks a few blocks away, seated inside, just enjoying time with each other.

“I appreciate it, Martha, even though you ordered this extra sweet already.”

“It tastes like linoleum without it, Lex. Don’t harass me,” she grumbles.

Lex sighs and glances over at Vikki who is looking guilty, her loaf of lemon bread mysteriously gone.

“Did you straight up eat that already? Seriously?” he asks, and I chuckle because I saw Vikki casually stick four cubes of butter on her frosted lemon bread and consume it like a Komodo dragon swallowing a goat when Lex wasn’t looking.

She literally took two bites. For a moment, I was worried she’d choke but I guess the globs of butter helped it slide down.

“I love lemon bread and butter,” she says, wiping at her mouth and taking a long sip of her iced coffee.

“Yes, well usually you spread the butter on thinly.”

“Not me. I like it ice cold and in large chunks,” Vikki says and then pats Lex’s hand, and then she pulls an extra butter out of her purse and starts to unwrap it.

Lex slaps it out of her hand.

“Bad, Vikki,” he says when she gasps at the butter now lying on the floor. “Four is good enough. And eating straight butter is disgusting.”

She narrows her eyes at him and then lets out a laugh. “Fine. You’re probably right. Five would be excessive.”

“Honestly, you are going to give me grey hairs.”

“Not like we could see them with your hair dyed like that,” Martha chimes in, waving her hand toward Lex’s silver-blond head.

“Yes, well they’ll be there, even if you can’t fucking see them.”

“If you can’t see them, they don’t exist,” Martha argues and Lex mutters something under his breath. I press a kiss to his cheek, hoping to calm him. He hasn’t broken down since the car and I want to keep it that way. But grief is a funny thing. It hits you so unexpectedly, in the moments you least expect it.

“I miss her,” Vikki says, her nose turning red, her eyes watering. “Fuck this getting old shit. It’s depressing as hell.”

“Well, we still have each other,” Martha chimes in. “And I’m the youngest. I’ll be the last to go.”

Lex snorts at that and we all just sit there, eyes glassy with unshed tears, all trying like hell to not weep in the middle of Starbucks.

“And how are you doing William?” Martha asks. “How are you holding up?”

I roll my lips between my teeth and shrug, my eyes stinging. “It hurts. But having Lex…” my words trail off and I clear my throat.

Lex leans into me, his hand clasping mine. “Yes, we have each other now, love. You have me.”

We finish our drinks and tote Vikki and Martha back to the facility before heading back to Lex’s apartment.