Page 70 of Lex

“Ben?” he asks.

“Oh, Ben,” my grandma says. “Such a lovely boy. Very cute too.”

I sigh and turn my head away because yes, he did seem lovely. And cute.


But before I can get too into my head about it, Lex reaches over and holds my hand.

“No,” he says. “Never. I mean, I’m sure he wants me, but he’s not my type. You’re what I want. Just you.”

His reassurance soothes my irritated, slightly bruised heart and I squeeze his hand. We hold onto each other until we are forced to part to get out of the car.

“Oh, yes, I know this place,” Lex says with a wide smile, moving to help my grandma out and then walking her to the entrance. I would offer to help but he seems to enjoy doing it all himself. I don’t even think he would let me help if I tried. He’s just so patient and gentle with her that my heart squeezes in my chest. How I ever thought that he was after her money is beyond me. I can see how much he loves her in the way he cares for her.

I shouldn’t have ever doubted it.

As soon as we enter the small doctor’s office, I see a young woman behind the counter smacking her purple lips around some gum. I take in her pink hair and her low-cut top. God, we just changed providers and this is who I picked?

As soon as the girl’s eyes land on Lex she rolls her eyes.

“Lex-motherfucking-ton,” she chirps, the clacking on the computer stopping abruptly. “You’ve been ignoring my texts, asshole.”

I glance around the waiting room and see that no one is bothered by her language and then laugh softly. Of course this is a friend of Lex’s. We couldn’t be more different if we tried. The few friends I have are boring and don’t have pink hair or purple lipstick. They wear loafers and pants from Walmart.

Lex holds up a finger, walks my grandma over to a chair, and sits her down before striding back to the counter and leaning against it.

“Yes, Amanda, as you can see, I’ve been busy. Withimportantthings.”

He eyes me and I shift on my feet. Because yes, he’s been educating me on a lot of things. It has been very, very important and hard work.

“Nothing is more important than me,” she says darkly and then folds her arms across her chest. “I expect bribes to get back into my good graces,” she tells him.

“You and Diablo just think I’m exploitable, don’t you?”

“Yes, we do. And you cave every time.”

Lex narrows his eyes at her and then sighs. “Fine, just tell Ellie-Belly we’re here. Brenda gets tired if she has to wait too long.”

“Fine,” she mutters and then diverts her gaze to the computer.

I guess the conversation is over then. What a mind fuck.

“Who is Ellie-Belly?” I ask as he pulls me toward where Brenda is sitting.

“A friend of mine,” he explains as we find an open seat.

But instead of letting me sit on the chair next to him, he sits down and pulls me onto his lap.

This is ridiculous because I’m a grown man, not a child, but still, I fucking love it. The only problem is, now that I am on top of him, my dick is hard. I shouldn’t be surprised, I really shouldn’t, but I am. Because this is absolutely absurd. My cock is becoming a national monument at this point.

His hands move around my stomach and I sigh contentedly and instead of giving myself some much-needed space, I just sink back against him and come to terms with the fact that I am a goner for this man.

Brenda seems delighted at the sight of me on top of Lex and pretends not to stare, but I can feel her eyes on us. She’s planning our wedding in her head. I will hear about this for months to come.

“How does your grandson smell like candy, Bren,” Lex suddenly asks. “Was he like this as a child?”

“Oh yes. He was such a sweet baby,” she explains, and I make a face at her because I wasn’t really that sweet. I was just scared and mostly lonely.