Page 65 of Lex

Emery narrows his eyes at his boyfriend, who just smiles and pulls him into his side.

“What has gotten into you? You’re being…sexily mean,” Emery says, nuzzling into August’s side. “I’m not sure if I like it.”

“I’m not being mean, Em. I’m just teasing.”

“Yes, well, I’m feeling conflicted about it. Mostly. Not really, but I could be feeling some way about it.”

“I’m sorry,” August says, pressing a soft kiss to the top of Emery’s head. I watch it all in awe, the orange soda hanging limply in my hand.

I look over at Lex and wonder…could what we have ever evolve into this? Right here, the nuzzling and sweet-talking?

God, I hope so.

Lex pops the can open and guzzles some down, smacking his lips.

“Satan, this is good. Brings back so many memories,” he says, bringing everyone’s focus on him.

“Right?” Emery drawls and then asks me, “Did Lex tell you that we grew up together? Well, mostly grew up together. In foster care…”

“Yeah,” I say and then think,and I know that you two fucked, but I realize this isn’t the time. Wait, scratch that. There isn’t ever a time for that.

“Yeah, we’ve been friends for a long time,” Emery says. “I could tell you secrets about him, William, if you want to know.”

My entire body freezes and so does Lex’s because he’s narrowing his eyes at his best friend.

“I’d like that,” I say, and Lex steps into my space, putting a hand around my arm and tugging me to the side.

“You will do no such thing, love,” he says, the can of orange soda wielded between us like a weapon.

“It seems things just slip out of Emery,” I say softly. “I wouldn’t mind hearing a few…secrets of yours.”

Lex leans closer to me. “You had the flash drive.”

“I did.”

“And you gave it back because you wantedmeto tell you all the things.”

“I do.”

“But you’re willing to let Emery divulge all.”

“Not all,” I reply. But I sure as fuck would take some if they happened to pop out of that wild mouth of his.

Lex’s eyes move to my mouth and then back up to my eyes.

“Oh, you are mischievous. You constantly do the opposite of what I expect.”

“I’m not and I don’t.”

And that’s the truth. I’m unexciting and boring and just overall mundane.

“No. You’re like a fox, so very clever.”

I am clever. Sometimes. But not really that often.

I reach out and tug the can of soda from his hand and press it to my lips, taking a small, measured sip. I’ve never had orange soda before and I want my mouth to be anywhere near the vicinity of his. It’s been too long since we’ve kissed.

Lex’s eyes grow hooded as my throat works.