Page 58 of Lex

I eyeball the large man who seems unbothered by Diablo’s description of him. I mean, Diablo isn’t wrong. “Well, he is impressive. Although, Skylar isn’t a very fitting name.”

“I know. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?” Diablo replies with a snort. “I mean, look at him.”

“You could name swap,” I blurt, and Diablo snaps his gaze to mine.

“Be fucking nice, Lex. Or I won’t let Skylar break any bones.”

“Who said I wanted any bones broken?”

He puts a hand on his hip and narrows his eyes at me. “You are too soft, Lex. My father would be very disappointed in you. Now, I hope you have what I want because we had an agreement.”

“Of course. I never fucking break my word.”

I pop the trunk of my car and pull out a clear container, handing it to him.

He opens the top and peers inside. “Nice work, Lex. I amneverdisappointed.”

He reaches in and pulls out a smallWarhammerfigurine that I hand painted the other night.

“Everyone is so envious,” Diablo says with glee. “No one knows my secret weapon.”

I puff up a little because yes, I paint mini figurines in my free time, and yes, I am fucking superb at it. I really should have my own YouTube channel. Not that I have the time for that.

Diablo snaps the container shut and locks it in his trunk before moving to stand near me. Skylar, meanwhile, hasn’t moved or said anything. He just hovers, watching Diablo with an intensity that makes me a little nervous. He’s taking his jobveryseriously.

“Can he move quickly?” I whisper.

“I have no idea,” Diablo grumbles. “Though I doubt it. He’s too big to move fast. I can just see him lumbering about.”

“Well, worse comes to worst, you could hide behind him if something goes awry,” I say, taking note of his thick legs and large torso.

“I think that’s the plan. Anyways, this is boring. Can we please get on with the fun stuff?”

He eyeballs the entrance of the apartment and then Skylar.

“Skylar, grab the stuff,” he commands, and Skylar moves to the backseat of the car with a lot more grace than I expected, and grabs a duffle bag.

“Do you have whatIneed?” I ask as Skylar throws the bag over his beefy shoulder.

Diablo hands me a file folder, slapping it down in my open palm.

“Always, now let’s scare this bitch,” he says with an evil rub of his hands.

He takes too much pleasure in other people’s pain. One day this kid is going to meet his match.

We walk up the stairs because the elevator is out of order, and then we’re standing right in front of our destination.

So, this is where Susana lives, huh? I wasn’t sure what I was expecting, but nothing quite so dreary and drab.

I knock on the door and am pleasantly surprised when it opens rather quickly. I hate waiting. It puts me in a mood.

“I’m not interested,” a middle-aged woman says, eyeing us with annoyance. She has boring brown hair and nondescript eyes. Her outfit is atrocious. No wonder William wasn’t interested.

I am much more fun.

Am I being petty? Probably. Do I care? Not one iota.

“Susana?” I ask sweetly, baring my teeth at her.